More on Beds



I’ve grown accustomed to my bed –
Can hardly bear to leave it;
By day and night I’m to it wed,
And then need to bereave it;
For every hour, don’t you know,~
I must get up, and need to ‘go’;
For days and nights now, this is so ~
And I hate to perceive it.

On Friday got a summons clear,
‘Come to the Clinic, must be here
Quite well within the hour’;
I rushed to meet with this request
And in the circs. I thought it best
Not even first to shower.

They said, ‘To hospital!’ Oh, woe!
‘Don’t get two hundred,  don’t pass GO;
A bed is booked, so go there!’
In no time I was in this bed
And with all sorts of drips was fed;
They certainly aren’t slow there.

My immune system needs to build,
So with protection I am filled
Against next Chemo session;
Dripped countless pints of Vitamin B,
Antibiotics, blood transfusions, see,
To stop a health regression.

And all the time with needles poked;
‘I feel like a pincushion,’ joked,
With blood tests being given;
On Monday they were satisfied
And I released to go outside
And back at home go livin’!

© December 2019 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Cancer Treatments, Colonialist, Humorous rhyme, Personal Journal, Really Awful Rhyme and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to More on Beds

  1. Debra says:

    You are on a bit of a roller coaster, I’d say. I am sorry for the hospital stay, but oh so pleased that you are home now! With the uncertainty during the hospital stay, you maintain a wonderful smile!


  2. Don’t know where my comment went to. 😳 I said that I sang your poem to the tune of, ‘I’ve grown accustomed to her face’, and it fitted very well. Hubby was amazed at your wizardry with words and said that you’re a wordsmith par excellence. 👏🏻 Rest up and get strong again, dear Col. 🤗


  3. equinoxio21 says:

    They thought of it rather late… Doctors… Well at least you are back home. You can have that whisky on the rocks at sunset… (never before sunset!)


  4. Widdershins says:

    Phew! Glad to hear you made it back home in one piece! 🙂 … albeit a little perforated. 😀


  5. The last three lines were a relief


  6. SueW says:

    Good to see you here, and my you do look chirpy, and who wouldn’t after the cocktails you’ve just had. I could do with your sort of pick me up, trouble is I don’t want everything else you’ve got.

    Keep us in the loop Les, and all the best for the next bout of chemo.


  7. Arkenaten says:

    At least you’re still smiling. Or is that a grimace brought on by constipation?

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Thoughts are with you and sending you positive vibes.


  9. Chris said I sang this beautifully to ‘I’ve grown accustomed to her face.” I really fitted very well. 🤣 you are such a wordsmith and we are both impressed and very jealous. 👏🏻👍 Get stronger every day. 🤗


  10. disperser says:

    I wondered what was going on. So, an emergency hospitalization . . . but better now, I gather (as you know, poetry and me mix not all that well).


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