A Fair Link to Wonderland


Day Three of the Book Fair at KwaMuhle Museum

Alice TrialAlice and CaterpillarAlice in Wonderland and a Durban book fair featuring latest books by various authors – and my own books as well as those of others who have been published by P’kaboo – what connecting link could there be?  The year 1865 provides one …  (Do visit the link for a ‘moving’ journey down memory lane with the original Alice illustrations, by the way.)

Peter AdamsAs you will gather, Alice was launched in 1865, and in the same year Adams Booksellers came into being here.  It has survived all the slings and arrows of outrageous (mis)fortune which have sunk so many family businesses, and is still going strong.  Peter Adams gave a fascinating talk at the book fair today regarding the history of the company.

Adams slide

Of course, the final part of the link is that, very shortly, all my titles and the others in the stable will be available to buy or order from Adams outlets.


© Colonialist September 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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33 Responses to A Fair Link to Wonderland

  1. Sonel says:

    I loved Alice in Wonderland. There was a series I loved to watch called ‘Once upon a Time’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in Wonderland’ and in that one Alice came back after being in Wonderland and everyone, including her father thought she was crazy when she told them what happened to her and then she tried to prove to them that it was real. Of course she landed up in the loony bin. Silly adults. 😀

    Looks like it was quite a fun fair Col. Beautiful display as well. 😀


    • colonialist says:

      There is something really enduring about Alice. Some of the more modern variations have strayed away from the original spirit, but that is not to be wonder(-landed-)ed at. It shows, I guess, how much they grabbed the imagination to start with.
      Interesting fair, indeed.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Arkenaten says:

    I had a paperback of Alice as a kid and we bought our kids a hardback version when they were small that featured a dark short-haired Alice, as Lewis Carroll had supposedly based the character on a street child named Alice Liddell. It is a 1984 edition ,with illustrations by Justin Todd, published by Gollanz.
    Found this.


    • colonialist says:

      The real Alice, Alice Liddell, had dark shoulder-length hair.Your edition does give a pretty accurate picture of her true appearance. . Although Lewis Carroll took a photo of her dressed up as a beggar girl which has misled some people, she was from a well-connected family (father Dean of Oxford). She was eight years old and in a rowing boat when she asked Carroll to write it down for her.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. How long does the book fair last. I love family book shops, and specialist music book stores, the proprietors are always so knowledgable.


    • colonialist says:

      The fair only lasted three days – just as well, as it was a bit exhausting!
      I do wish the era of family stores generally were to return. I remain unconvinced that, after all overheads etc, the supermarkets provide goods more cheaply. Just as banks now provide worse service at far greater customer cost and less interest return than forty or so years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My Nana had a little grocery store with her friend and she had to close when the big supermarket came to town, people still tell her they miss her fresh vegetables and friendly service. Then the supermarkets started opening up small stores where they didn’t have large stores and the small family shops closed down and now they’re closing the little stores, sad for people who don’t have cars.
        I have online banking but my Grandads always saying how he refuses to use hole-in-the- wall machines and likes to deal face to face with a friendly human who asks how he is.
        The main problem with big bookstores and supermarkets is they don’t sell independent authors books or CDs, if they want to take over selling everything they should have an area for this.
        Hope the fair went well for you ☺️
        Best wishes


        • colonialist says:

          For those who do have cars, when the dust settles from pricing the small people out the prices will have gone up again, and the petrol and parking costs (plus extra time wastage) have to be factored in. Progress? I think not.
          As for outlets for indie publications or home produced goods – that is another story.

          Liked by 2 people

  4. Arkenaten says:

    Where’s the re-blog button?


  5. gipsika says:

    Reblogged this on the red ant and commented:
    We Were There! Thank you Colonialist for manning an exhibition of some of our books at the Book Faire at KwaMule Museum.


  6. gipsika says:

    I’m so dim today I can’t even find the reblog button!


  7. gipsika says:

    A nice display! Handsome placard too.


  8. What a wonderful website you sent me to (the Alice in Wonderland link). Half an hour later I came to and found my tea had gone cold! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better site, even though I found a typo (if instead of of). Alice has featured in two of our carneval floats,played by a 5-year-old lookalike. I made her costume in the well-remembered blue and white.

    I hope you sell lots of books at the Fair.

    Liked by 1 person

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