Raey Wen Yppah and Auld Lang Syne!

Is that heading giving New Year wishes in Gaelic?  Well, only if you regard the Scots as a backward people.  For those who did not register immediately, that first bit reads ‘Happy New Year’ backwards.  Hopes are that this will make it go forward better than the last one did.

Below is a song which is a tradition with us at midnight on 31st December.  I am descended from a Scot who is argued to have been the first English-speaking South African – Robert Hart.  The song was, of course, written by Rabbie Burns in 1788.  I also found a version by my favourite singer of Scots ballads, Kenneth McKellar.

May 2016 exceed your wildest dreams as the best year ever – making only one group miserable.  The prophets of doom.


Ballet JenAn Old-Year quote by 4-year-old J who saw a large cockroach a week or so back and wanted to be picked up.  I assured her that the cockroach was more scared of her than she was of him.  After lifting her I mimed him quaking and said, ‘He’s petrified!’

‘Petrified means he rocks!’ she responded confidently.


And the beautiful but camera-shy Red Bishops who have been visiting have now been named by her ‘the vicious birds’.







© December 2015 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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20 Responses to Raey Wen Yppah and Auld Lang Syne!

  1. This rocks. Thanks for the chuckles


  2. calmgrove says:

    I, who have no Welsh ancestry that I know of but now live in Wales, offer you Blwyddyn Newydd Dda, Col!

    Now I know that all those double-Ds and ‘w’s and ‘y’s are a bit perturbing, but I assure you the phrase is neither an anagram nor spelt backwards, and easier to say than spell: Bloy-Thin Nay-with Tha (the ‘th’ is pronounced as in the word ‘the’).

    And no, I haven’t gone completely ‘native’ — I can’t bear Welsh Male Voice Choirs, I’m afraid …


    • colonialist says:

      We have holidayed there and have been among the henoed one is warned against at crossings …
      Half the places we stayed at we couldn’t pronounce. Lovely area for cycling and climbing, though. I took the direct route up Moel Hebog. Much faster than my daughter and grandkids, but also harder work/

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re descended from a Hart…..so am I on my paternal grandmothers side!! What a small world this is, and I do love your adorable granddaughters take on life and the world! Wishing you all a happier 2016


  4. It’s eons since I heard Kenneth McKellar. It gave me goosebumps. I love little J’s logic. She is a little cutie-pie. 🙂


  5. While listening to the song, I bring you Extra fresh Pawkisses for a Happy and Healthy New Year 🙂 ❤


  6. Tom Merriman says:

    Happy New Year, Col!


  7. melouisef says:

    Happy new year to you and yours


  8. disperser says:

    Thank you, and the same wishes for you and yours.

    . . . and that is a very nice version . . . I’ll be adding it to my playlist.


  9. toutparmoi says:

    You’ve certainly started 2016 well for me! Old photographs (I love them), an old song beautifully sung (haven’t heard K McK in ages), and a bonus picture of your delightful young wordsmith-in-the-making. Happy New Year to you.


  10. hahaha she is smart – a cockroach that rocks! Happy new year 😀


  11. Pussycat44 says:

    Happy New Year, Col.

    Liked by 1 person

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