The Cuckoo-clock Waiting for Spring

nrhatch of Spirit Lights the Way entered a lovely rhyme about a Quiggle for the In Just Spring Writing Contest of children’s author Susanna Leonard Hill, and persuaded me to try a spring entry too.  I also decided to rhyme it.  It was fun to meet the challenge of the topic within the limitations of no more than 350 words and ending with one of the two given lines.  Of course, I had to throw the obvious pun in …

 I do hope Koo gives a chance for Immy and her dragon to be looked at in USA – although the music part might come as a bit of surprise!

The In Just Spring Contest!

The Cuckoo-clock Waiting for Spring

Sadly sobbed the cuckoo-clock,
‘Fell off hook, and got a shock!
Though I’m back upon the wall,
I’m not working now, at all!’
Cuckoo clock
(Anyway, that clock, for years,
Had a fault inside his gears:
All his cuckoo there could do
Was to give a cute soft, ‘Koo!’ 

Lots of people tried to look
For the reason for no ‘Cuck’;
Could not find where lay the blame;
Soon, then, ‘Koo’ clock’s name became.) 

‘Woe is me!’ Koo’s cry went on,
‘I have stopped; my spring is gone;
I have nothing, now, to wind –
Please, my spring do try to find!’

Owl, at window, thought awhile,
Then he seemed to give a smile,
‘You must wait till winter goes;
That’s when spring is found, one knows!’ 

Rufus cropped

Koo said, ‘Sob, weep, wail, boo-hoo!
What can I through winter do?’
Owl suggested, ‘While you wait,
Why don’t you just hibernate?’ 

‘What on earth is that?’ clock cried;
‘That’s when you,’ the bird replied,
‘Like the bears and hedgehogs do,
Sleep the whole of winter through.’

Hibernating bear

So Koo slept, until at last,
That long winter had all passed;
Blossoms bloomed, and weather warmed;
Buds came budding; swallows swarmed. 

Though the signs all seemed to say
Winter had now gone away,
Still on wall see poor Koo mope,
Silently, and losing hope. 

But some mice, who lived below
In a hole which didn’t show,
Said, ‘Our home’s a dirty scene –
Time to do a big spring-clean!’

Mouse Standing on Hind Legs

Thus, they swept out with a will;
Cleaned and dusted there, until,
With surprise, one mouse soon found
Some strange thing all coiled around. 

‘That’s my spring!’ hear clock shout out,
For it was, without a doubt!
Then said mouse, ‘What’s this I feel?
Seems to be a little wheel!’ 

And it was not long before
Both parts, left out on the floor,
Were put back inside of Koo
By a man who, how to, knew.

Seeing leaves and blooms grow fast;
Ticks and tocks back at full blast;
Shouting ‘Cuckoo!’ as in past,
Koo knew spring was here at last!

   Portulaca crop

© Colonialist March 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Challenge, Fantasy, Flash Fiction, Humour, Poems, Really Awful Rhyme, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

89 Responses to The Cuckoo-clock Waiting for Spring

  1. I love the double meaning of “spring”…well done!


  2. gipsika says:

    Cute! “Koo!”


  3. nrhatch says:

    To me, the best kids books are those that close with a demand issued, “Again!” Especially when, as an adult, I am happy to flip back to page one and comply. 😀

    I think this story meets both criteria. Glad you entered it!


  4. artistadonna says:

    LOVED everything about this story! 🙂


  5. what a cute story 🙂 I love Cuckoo clocks too 🙂 Great job!


  6. Zirkie says:

    So cute! I am so glad that the Cuckoo clock was fixed!!


  7. adeeyoyo says:

    So glad to hear that on the ground
    Koo’s missing spring by you was found! 🙂


  8. Outstanding! I’m really in awe. I make puns all the time…but only by accident! If I try to be clever it falls flat! I admire your ability and this was a particularly fun piece! 🙂


  9. laura516 says:

    What a clever and witty rhyme! A great read.


  10. Great poem! Love the cuckoo clock character! What a great idea!!!


  11. This was quite wonderful indeed. You deserve an ice cream sundae with ‘springles’ on top!


  12. Loved the rhyme, happy ending and play on words. Very creative and entertaining 🙂


  13. optie says:

    Absolutely brilliant. I think you should put all these clever poems in a collection and publish them. It would be a wonderful way to entertain children and also teach them that the same word can mean many different things in English.


  14. So cute and so original and so creative. I loved the double meaning for spring…nicely done! I have two cuckoo clocks and I love them!


  15. Joanna says:

    Great rhythm and a super solution. Good luck!


  16. absolutely wonderful 🙂


  17. I love your poem. So very clever, oiriginal and fun! Liked your rhyming.


  18. I love your poem. So very clever, oiriginal and fun!


  19. Wonderful poem! What a great entry for Susanna’s Spring Contest! I love your wordplay.:) And I’m sorry about your cuckoo clock.
    I had a collection of teapots that my husband built a shelf for. After arranging them, he decided one of the screws needed to be tightened. Getting up from under the shelf, he upended the whole thing and the little teapots slid to the floor. 😦


  20. Andrea says:

    So fun to use the double meaning of spring!


  21. Well done! My grandmother owned a cuckoo clock that I loved as a kid. This brought back good memories. They don’t seem to make cuckoo clocks anymore. What happened?!


  22. Jill Proctor says:

    I loved it! Such a wonderful, poetic play on words!


  23. Hurrah for the Cuckoo, for he brought spring to us! 😀


  24. The Asian says:

    Literary genius as usual 🙂


  25. Such delightful poem! I’m glad all ended well for Cuckoo! 😉


  26. Mariane says:

    Even English is my second language I really enjoyed your play with words. Lovely poem – long but really lovely, Thank you so much 🙂


  27. Love that spring ‘returned’ with a spring! Fun, bouncy and…familiar – costs a lot to have an expert repair a fallen clock!


    • colonialist says:

      You have been there? 🙂
      I once had a cuckoo-clock stop working, and I spent weeks of a labour of love in fixing it myself. Proudly, I put it back on its hook – which pulled out of the wall and little bits of clock were scattered over a wide area. I said a word I never normally use.


  28. What a fun, rollicking story! Great rhythm (just like a clock :)) and I love the double meaning of spring used here. Perfect that the spring-cleaning mice were the ones to find the missing spring. Thanks for a delightful entry!!


  29. Very clever as usual 🙂


  30. Pussycat44 says:

    And they all lived happily ever after (is all I can say)


  31. bulldog says:

    To be able to sit and pound out a meaningful poem like that on a subject amazes me… I stand in awe of the ability you have..


  32. melouisef says:

    Cannot get into spring mood now


  33. nrhatch says:

    Fantastic, Col! Coo found his spring in Spring . . . how spring-chronistic! 😀


  34. Brilliant. You really do think on a different plain to the rest of us mere mortals


  35. newsferret says:

    And then there is no fun* ,
    We are heading into autumn,
    With winter knocking on the door
    I will have one heater and more.
    (pronounced like in …tumn)


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