RIP Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher

One’s ashamed to be British
When seeing nit-wittish
Behaviour like that in the crowd
Who gun-carriage booed,
Quite spoiling the mood
Of doing Her Ladyship proud. 

Perhaps it is due
To the distorted view
Unprofessional press has put out,
With their lying reporting
Of apartheid supporting
They’ve no clue of what it was about. 

It is probably fact
That had more leaders backed
Her stance in the matter, the change
Would have come long before
The terror hard-core
Made it take far more time to arrange. 

Her charit’ble acts
Provide yet more facts
The press has resolved to ignore;
When she tried to make shirkers
Convert into workers,
That facet they chose to abhor. 

By the end of her day
She’d gone a long way,
How ever some try to deride,
In Britain to create
A return of the ‘Great’,
And bringing back some British pride.

© Colonialist April 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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23 Responses to RIP Margaret Thatcher.

  1. This is such an interesting conversation. I have read multiple “reports” and blog post opinions with equally strong, but completely oppositional perspectives. Since I have enough trouble figuring out American political leaders I am taking it all in, aware that there needs to be time and distance to fully evaluate any public leader’s life contribution. None are all good or all bad. I didn’t care for the “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” cry, but then again, I tend to be in favor of respect to office when we aren’t “feeling it” for the one occupying that space! I could sit at my desk all day and not come up with the words you share…I so admire that talent, Col!


    • colonialist says:

      It always amazes me that people are so ready to try and undermine the reputation of largely admirable people like MT, and yet go into fits of adulation towards seriously deranged personalities like many of the pop idols.


  2. nrhatch says:

    I don’t have an opinion on her one way or the other . . . but many do.
    Here’s one:


  3. 68ghia says:

    she was a great Lady…


  4. Arkenaten says:

    Echo the sentiments.
    Was on the phone with my father about half hour ago. It came up in conversation and his response:
    “I don’t think Margaret Thatcher gives a damn what anyone thinks about her anymore, do you son?”


    • colonialist says:

      I don’t think she gave much of a damn, anyway. She knew from whence it came.


      • Arkenaten says:

        She wasn’t popular for many things and no doubt if one was on the end of some of the more robust political decisions – poll tax was one, If I recall – it must have been hard. But all in all she did a better job than most.
        I reckon that is all any politician can hope for.


        • colonialist says:

          One is seldom too fond of the person dishing out the bitter medicine, even if it is good for one. Also, she certainly wasn’t right all the time, but was very often and I think she was always sincere in thinking it was the right course. Furthermore, she wasn’t in it to milk it dry, like the mob in SA.


  5. melouisef says:

    I so agree with you, most of those never bothered to learn what the UK was in the 70’s. Great lady indeed. What do you have left if you lose your pride?


    • colonialist says:

      A lot of very distorted views were expressed, even latterly. The Cameron apology was misguided to the extent of being embarrassing. Mandela WAS a terrorist, and his actions prolonged the period before transition finally occurred.


  6. susielindau says:

    Nice! What did you think about the movie?


  7. adeeyoyo says:

    I think she did her best for that time in history.


  8. Pussycat44 says:

    It has been shocking to read of some people’s behaviour.
    Some prime ministers, and other “dear leaders” could learn a lesson or two from her tenure as PM.


  9. adinparadise says:

    Indubitably, Col. Bless her soul.


  10. Sonel says:

    Well written Col! 🙂


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