Jokes on a Really Awful Note

Notes Bar1A note comes into a bar and says, ’Plink!’

Notes Bar 2

A note comes into a bar and says, ’Can I get you a plink?’
Notes Bar 3

A note comes into a bar, sidles up to another note and says, ‘Can I give you a plink to get you on your plonk?’
Notes Bar 4

A note comes into a bar, sidles up to another note and says, ‘Can I give you a plink to get you on your plonk?’  She threatens him with being dotted or a rest.

Notes Bar 5

A note comes into a bar, sidles up to another note and says, ‘Can I give you a plink to get you on your plonk?’  She staves him off, says he is out of line, and threatens him with being dotted or with a rest.

Notes Bar 8

Hiding his bass intentions, he acts natural until she decides after all he is sharp and says, ‘How about my flat?’

‘Give me the key!’

Notes Bar 6

After blending harmoniously,Notes Last Bar 

they get tied in perfect cadence.    

© Colonialist December 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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35 Responses to Jokes on a Really Awful Note

  1. This is pawesome! Key hehehe! Very clever! =^.^=


  2. Grannymar says:

    I enjoyed this and the backward and forward in the comments, even though I don’t have a note in my head.


  3. Millie Ho says:

    I love this. Do you play any instruments?


  4. Ruth2Day says:

    I also enjoyed the “You’re sharp!” dialogue, very clever 🙂


  5. 68ghia says:

    Blending harmoniously and ending in perfect cadence – quite the romantic thing that Col 😉


  6. misswhiplash says:

    that is so cute and so funny
    what better way to end a tune ,,,all tied up!!


  7. What program do you use for the notation. I struggled mightily to reproduce a setting for a virtual friend’s poem, and ended up writing it on manuscript paper and scanning it in for him.


  8. Just a few bars to make a romantic melody. It should end in a perfect cadence.


  9. bulldog says:

    This is good I hope all get to see it…


  10. adeeyoyo says:

    Ha, I hope this isn’t wasted, Col. Prepare to re-blog in about a month’s time… Excellent-taye!!!


  11. Hehehe. Love this, Col. I’m glad he was brave and didn’t quaver when she got a bit crochety with him. 🙂


  12. nrhatch says:

    FUN. Especially enjoyed:

    “You’re sharp!”
    “How about my flat?”
    “Give me the key!”


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