Divided Attention – Friday Fictioneers

The challenge set by Rochelle is to write a short story in 100 words or less
(this is 100) based, on this occasion, in the following photo prompt.  An occasion for a-bridge-d flash fiction.

AnElephantCant sort of talked me into entering.

PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman© TheReclining Gentleman – Photo Prompt.

Teetering on the parapet, he hears Kaylee on auto-repeat, ‘Stop seeing Roberta or I stop seeing you!’

He switches that off thinking about his job. He hates it, but should he take the new opportunity?

Oops, no … cars. Should he get rid of his beloved sports for that more practical saloon …?

Not important. His life of uncertainty is ending – finally, a firm decision.

Now, should he fling himself down into the cold waters far below, or under the wheels of the speeding traffic on the other side?  Or …?

An example of how to indecisively split an infinity.

© Colonialist September 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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26 Responses to Divided Attention – Friday Fictioneers

  1. gahlearner says:

    I’m impressed by the cleverness of story, and commenters.


  2. equinoxio21 says:

    You’ve just split my numb mind with your instant waters under the bridge.
    (Well. I could have better I guess. Inspiration just jumped over the bridge)
    (With a banji rope. I’m just waiting for her to stop dangling down below)
    Nice story Col.


  3. Margaret says:

    So funny. I just love it. You just left him dangling there like a preposition on the end of a sentence. Indecisiveness is a problem up with which many of us have to put.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Decisions, decisions. 🙂 Split infinite works perfectly.


  5. micklively says:

    Grammar lesson and suicide attempt: now that’s what I call multi-tasking!
    Good piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Like the last line as well. Indecisively split an infinity.


  7. Love the title ~ it fits his life of indecision perfectly.


    • colonialist says:

      It was a split decision between that and ‘Split Decision’, but:
      (a) The latter is the title of an amazing novel just launched from the stable I am part of, and
      (b) I’d effectively used those terms in the story.


  8. Dear Colonist,

    I’m pleased that you allowed AnElephant to talk you into joining us this week. I hope it won’t be the last time. (Although I’d caution you about pink pachyderms, hard to take them seriously 😉 )

    Indecisive about infinity is pretty indecisive. Good one.




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