Quests for Harmony

 Will it cause dissonance if I am late for the Weekly Photo Challenge themed  Harmony?

QUESTS 4 cover (front)

The actual CD cover

Though marketing does cause alarm

I hope that it will do no harm

If I may show, so you can see

A cover of some harmony –

With symphonies and stuff inside

For those who classics can abide.


My photo near Golden Gate on which the cover was based.

 The cover scene must also be

A sight that blends harmoniously!

(But it would now quite charmin’ be

To get from it – ha, ha! – money!

And though I wouldn’t stoop to beg,

It doesn’t cost an harmony leg!)

(To listen to this album on SoundCloud go to the arrow on the sidebar to the right.)

Do you like the dramatic cover treatment, or do you think it should have been kept more like the original?

© Colonialist March 2016 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Africa, Art, Composition (classical), Nature, Photography, Really Awful Rhyme, Weekly Photo Challenge and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Quests for Harmony

  1. I like the natural photo but the typography would need to change if that photo was used as it fits better with the more colourful cover.
    Just listened to the first four recordings and enjoyed them, I’ve followed so I’ll come back to listen to the others 😊


    • colonialist says:

      I agree. it would.
      So glad you paused to listen to some of my musical adventures! Some evolved while I was hunting for shells on the beach, with harmonies chasing round in my head to be translated into notation as soon as I returned!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like both. They have different functions and purposes.
    Hey – the music is impressive!


  3. calmgrove says:

    I did like your verse and the variation on the theme even though they were a bit breve, and the landscape pic, almost largo than life, was a bit coloratura for me. But I need to rest from these puns before they make you crotchety — are you in ac-chord?


  4. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    Also am torn ‘twixt the enhanced and natural-but for C.D. cover, probably the first. Unfortunately, me listening to classical music is like casting pearls before swine!


    • colonialist says:

      Yeh, I did feel that the picture needed jazzing up a bit for the cover, classics notwithstanding. Hey, has anyone ever asked swine their opinion of pearls? Intelligent as they undoubtedly are, they might well value them!


  5. disperser says:

    I like the enhanced for the CD.

    I listened to some of the music. I do like the waltzes.


  6. Tom Merriman says:

    I like the enhanced colours on the cover – I’m drawn to colour! But there is something equally harmonious with the original photo, Col. And nice music! I wouldn’t have a clue as to where to start!


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