Running Races and Temperatures


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Today we had to be at the grandkids’ school early for the Annual Sports Day for the Junior Primary Component. Young R continued with schoolwork as usual while younger J sat outside on a stand and yelled, or did a spot of running. Actually, she was entered in three races, of which two were individual. The first happened quite soon after the start, as part of the 40metre dash for all pupils in Grade 1, split into 8 events, with 55 entrants in all. J came first in her batch of 8, with a nail-biting finish and almost by a toenail! Her mother has a picture to prove this, but I can’t access it due to nonsense from my Android.

Her next race provided her with a second, but this was far more prestigious for her. She had been chosen as one of the two-per-house to compete in the 100m Medium Distance Race. In other words, the result put her second out of a potential 55 runners!

(Update)  Her teacher confirmed on Friday 25th that the result makes her second-fastest of all Grade Ones. I added a few more slides in celebration. Both kids also came home with Academic Merit Badges for the week. This is the first time they have got them for the same weeks. We are super-pleased.

Her final race was a relay, but her team did not fare well in spit of a sterling effort she put in.

After her return home with us, she complained of a headache and again developed a slight fever. Thus, it has now become clear that the symptoms are probably exertion-related rather than anything to do with water. Fortunately, she was due for a return visit to her specialist this afternoon.

The result of that visit is that she will now have to receive a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or MRI) non-invasive radiology scan to try and determine what is going on to cause the abnormality already detected. One thing that is going off at a great rate is the cash balance — all these tests and consultations are costing a fortune! Can’t be helped though; and I really hope they come up with a definite diagnosis for which there is a definite treatment.

© August 2018 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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25 Responses to Running Races and Temperatures

  1. Haven’t you got a Medicare health System like ours? All the scans and operations I’ve had for cancers and stroke cost me nothing; in the USA probably would have sent Bill Gates broke


  2. Widdershins says:

    All digits crossed for her.


  3. Debra says:

    I was so pleased to be reading about the good academic reports and fun with the races, but then to hear that your little one is under a specialist’s care right now is a turn I wasn’t expecting! With children there are always so many variables and probably nothing of great concern, but then, we humans, parents and grandparents, how can we not worry! We just do…or at least I should say that I sure do. Do let us know when you know all is well. That’s what I’m expecting!


    • colonialist says:

      With kids there are always ups and downs, and sometimes the slopes can be quite severe. One just has to take it as it comes — but that is often much easier said than done!
      Holding thumbs your optimism is justified!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Just popped in – I don’t get out much. Fun to see the races – and interesting that they’re running barefoot; oh – and I’ve just seen some other comments about that, so will read them. As for the worrying stuff – as Derrick said! Probably a simple explanation.


  5. Calmgrove says:

    Well done to J for all her exertions, with hopes that further scans will help establish a simple solution for her condition.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Carmen says:

    We’ve got a grandson who doesn’t like to wear any clothes let alone footwear. He’s four and his favourite response to me is (after the inevitable, “Don’t you need some clothes, Warren?”) “I like nakey, Nannie!” He’s a little redhead and even has red eyelashes; we refer to him as the little spark plug.
    It’s wonderful to be so involved with your grandchildren’s sports events! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • colonialist says:

      I love that nickname! Nakey is another good NICKname if he likes being in the nick!
      We are lucky to be able to be there in place of working mother and late father. (Mind you, working mother paid a flying visit giving her just enough time to see the first win!)


  7. Sue W says:

    Best wishes again for a swift return for good health to you and your family!


  8. disperser says:

    Running barefoot . . . I cringe when I see that. I hated it when I was a kid and that continued to this day. Perhaps I have overly-sensitive feet as I see adults walking around here without shoes (not just the homeless but tourists as well).

    Anyway, hope they can resolve the reason and have a solution for the physical reaction. It would be a shame to curtail what she enjoys so much.

    And, of course, congratulations to her for her finish and her overall efforts.

    Liked by 1 person

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