Really Awful Missed Takes Would Be Wrong


 So many posts, so little time,
As SidevieW‘s theme was set,
Should form the subject of this rhyme –
But I’ve not got there, yet!  
or all the deathless prose I’ve missed
While internet was out,
I must confess I’m full of wist*
To know, it, all about;
It does show, though, it is no go
With reading back that far –
I’m far too slow to do it, so,
For me to stay on par,
If there’s a bit that you have writ
That I should not have lost,
A link here fit; I’ll get to it
No matter what the cost! 



SO MANY snakes, lately; SO LITTLE tolerance for having them inside!
I relocated this one smartly back into the garden.
Probably a yellow-bellied house-snake and not a mamba, but still …

© Colonialist January 2014 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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36 Responses to Really Awful Missed Takes Would Be Wrong

  1. adeeyoyo says:

    I have lived with snakes in my house and they were very well-behaved. They lived in the spare bedroom closet and at the time I was breeding dogs. We all lived quite peacefully together, the dogs, the snakes and I. They were Natal Blacks, I think.


    • colonialist says:

      Not many people have them as permanent house guests!Snakes generally like to mind their own business. A few exceptions include old and bold black mambas, and fat and lazy puff adders.


  2. gpcox says:

    Nope, don’t like the snakes, not any kind, no snakes allowed!


  3. I quite like snakes, but then there are no poisonous ones in Canada which helps the liking part, I’m sure.
    When I get too far behind on reading blogs, like lately because of connection issues, I mostly start fresh. otherwise it becomes much too overwhelming.


    • colonialist says:

      I’m sure I’d be even more fond of snakes if I knew none of them were poisonous!
      Starting fresh is the sensible way to go. I try and isolate some of the plums from past issues, but it often isn’t feasible.


  4. I’m well behind on reading. And commenting. And writing. So what? Catching up as and when is fine. Plus even those of us who don’t work have things to do. One of the reasons I don’t post more often is because I find it quite daunting to hit on a blog and find half a dozen posts to read back through. Too, too much.

    I’m glad my snake took him/herself away without me having to retrieve the damn thing. They move so quickly.


    • colonialist says:

      Yes, one simply has to use sense and discipline. Trouble is, I know that I am often missing some gems – but that’s life.
      My snake liked it where he was and objected to being moved. He got distinctly testy about it.


  5. Has the snake got a name?


  6. SidevieW says:

    so many snakes, so little time to scream


  7. Do snakes fiddle with the internet connection? Could they be to blame? 🙂


  8. kragenhai says:

    Highly unlikely that it is a green Mamba. They live in tree tops and seldom come down to earth. The Mamba has a smaller head than the Green snake so from the size of its head I would say it is a Natal Green snake. Feeds on geckos and frogs. Completely harmless and very useful to have around. It is also a female.


  9. gipsika says:

    Welcome back! 🙂 That’s a pretty snake though I wouldn’t have been able to tell it’s not a green mamba.


  10. The Asian says:

    If I fall behind, I generally go back a day or two but that’s it. There’s way too much out there to play catch up for any more than that.
    As for the snake, I stay as far away from those as possible, it doesn’t matter if they’re harmless or not


  11. misswhiplash says:

    Yikes! Living with snakes..even a slow worm gives me the shivers….
    Hope that your internet id back online
    you are right it has been some time
    now if your electric has been put right
    some more witty pros are still insight


  12. newsferret says:

    Must admit it is a great man it that fortune takes
    to care with somewhat of aversion
    of our slithery snakes.


  13. bulldog says:

    Glad you didn’t do what most would have done with the snake… relocating is just so much better…


  14. disperser says:

    Yeah . . . too much stuff to catch up on everyone else’s stuff . . . but you’re still going to catch up with mine, right.

    Just kidding; Perfectly understandable given the amount of content out there. Sometimes we must resign ourselves to missing out on pure awesomeness.

    . . . and the snake is cute, but yeah . . . Melisa would be a little put out at having one in the house.


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