

This stunning photograph taken by Younger Daughter simply begged for a poem, and I have tried to avoid making this one a Really Awful Rhyme.

Contemplation in company2 

Two companions, in the greatest harmony,

Share a magic moment in their lives,

Seated, both, considering the timeless sea,

Dreaming as each wave the scene contrives.


Though, in fact, of different species they may be –

Canine, one; the other, human child –

Yet can there be found a perfect empathy,

As, with senses by the scene beguiled,

They are seen to open, with a mystic key,

Means whereby all things are reconciled.


Could one find the route to such pure unity;

Read the contemplation in each mind;

Have such co-existence with impunity;

Universal peace one well might find.

© Colonialist April 2013 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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37 Responses to Contemplation.

  1. Ah yes, that is gorgeous 🙂 I could easily kidnap those two cuties! (well, not easily really – would require much travelling and planning – hahaha).


  2. lindabrits says:

    What a great photo!

    I love your poem.


  3. Fabulous! The photo is just adorable, and the words shared, from the heart and the perfect punctuation!


  4. Beautiful baby! Gorgeous dog.


  5. nrhatch says:

    Awesome x 2! Great pic and poem.


  6. adeeyoyo says:

    Gorgeous photo and poem, Col. Children are so naïve and pure – and now and then it does last.


  7. 68ghia says:

    Indeed a stunning photo Col.
    And your poem did it justice…


  8. adinparadise says:

    Beautiful scene and poem, Col. It sounds a bit Shakespearian to me. Love it. 🙂


  9. Wonderful pic and the poem expresses it nicely.


  10. optie says:

    Defintely one of your best poems Col and the photo is stunning. You should have it printed on canvas and block mounted.


  11. cobbies69 says:

    fabulous words with an equally great picture.. love it 😉


  12. Barb says:

    Did you have to use treats to get them to hold still until you got your camera?


  13. Sonel says:

    Now that is one stunning shot Col and one in a million. I love it and your poem compliments it beautifully. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  14. Pussycat44 says:

    Both poem and picture are 1st class.


  15. Colline says:

    Both the photo and accompanying poem are beautiful.


  16. footsy2 says:

    Lovely pic. Question: Are you getting an email when LC posts? Just been to her blog and still don’t see the option! How do I get an email, pretty please ?


  17. disperser says:

    OK, not bad . . . but only because of the accompanying photo.


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