I battled with my keyboard all day.  Long story … for some other time. 

Haiku CertRight, so I copied out the thirty-one actual Haiku Monday entries of the thirty-five we ended up with.  Then with much brain-pain, I picked out my favourite from each multi-contributor and dumped their others.  Then I discarded most of the ones with a questionable syllable count.  

After that, headache intensifying, I went through the survivors trying to pick those that particularly struck me, and to avoid deciding that each one of them particularly struck me.  I then found that the ten I had picked were twelve – and thus, muttering dire imprecations, had to take out another two.  I discarded one from Doom – he won the last round, after all.  Then I decided to demote one to a Special Mention because *whisper* I adjusted a  syllable in it and she said it wasn’t an entry, anyway.  This was: 


With no brain inside
the space is dull and so full
blank madness resides! 

(Lovely contradiction.) 

At last, I had the ten finalists:

Crowing Crone Joss 

They said I was mad
but genius knows no boundaries
my madness be damned 

(A good turnaround, and very much on theme.) 

Millie Ho 

Teeth bursting with blood
Head a tumbleweed dyed black
Tears eat up my face 

(Graphic and Gothic!) 


Only in my mind
Thoughts that scramble back and forth
I alone can sort 

(A more subtle allusion to the theme.) 

Madeleine Begun Kane 

My name is Madeleine,
but all my friends call me “Mad”
and seem to mean it. 

(Great fun with the humour of the last line, and the anecdotal quality!) 


Outcome so unclear
Why this before doing that
Method to madness 

(Love the wry humour – how true this is!) 


Stuck in the morass…
Sluggish mind wakens from dream.
What madness was that? 

(A great exercise for the imagination.) 


Morphia for pain
is good but it sends you mad.
Why use it for fun? 

(This succinct message literally took backbreaking effort!) 


Raucous giggling calls.
Lurks in the night; *scavenger*.
Maligned. Crazy? False. 

(Clever allusion to one of the most eerily insane sounds one can hear, and a neat turnaround in one word.) 


Cock-eyed, without sense
Spinning roosters round the bend
Pavlov howls, “Arhoooooooo” 

(A great ‘feel’ for the theme.) 


Hamlet’s claim to fame
The precipice of madness
To live or let die 

(One has to enjoy the classical allusion and rephrasing of the famous line.) 

So, decision time.  And it so happens that, although the finalists were listed in no particular order, by sheer coincidence the last three are the top three in my inexpert estimation.  So, Serendipity is third, Rafael is runner-up, and Nancy Hatch is the next host!  Congratulations to you and to everyone who entered!

Colonialist sig.

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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  1. Rafael says:

    Congrats, Nancy! Well played!

    A fine pick indeed, Colonialist! Nancy’s was to die for:D (or was it…:D) And it’s always an honor just to be mentioned with this bunch, so thanks for that, Señor…truly a pep in my step with SMILES all ’round:D


  2. Karl says:

    Good afternoon Colonialist,
    Thank you sir for hosting. A fine job and a fine turnout. I appreciate the honorable mention.

    Congratulations Nancy! If your interested, there is a Haiku Winners Badge It’s on the side bar. Just right click and save the image, then you can paste it to your side bar. Welcome to the Haiku Monday winner circle.


  3. Grannymar says:

    Goodness. I am honoured to see my name up there, after all, I was stepping off a precipice in the dark never having tried anything like this before.

    Congratulations to the worthy winners, especially Nancy.


  4. The Asian says:

    Sounds like it was a huge mission to select the winner!


  5. Desire says:

    Some brilliant brains out there! Aaaaa and you are their leader!


  6. Millie Ho says:

    That was fun. Let’s play again.


  7. Doom says:

    Very good. Great job Rafael and Serendipity. Placing isn’t just close, it’s… on paper. I didn’t even get a write up! :p Congratulations Nancy. I can’t wait to see what you deliver as a theme. Urhm, would you mind posting here to let us know “where” you will be hosting the contest?

    Colonialist, I don’t mind not being in the contest, per se, but I am always curious about which of the poems was your pick, and perhaps a bit of why. If none, I understand though too. Perhaps even if you didn’t like the syllable count. Just… curious.


  8. suzicate says:

    All are fantastic!


  9. Serendipity says:

    Well, Col, you had quite a turnout, so I am not so surprised you ended up in a dither. Hosting is fun, Judging to the last one is real work. That is why many hosts limit the active entries to 2 per person :-).

    Congrats to Nancy, who has already put up her theme at http://nrhatch.wordpress.com/. And an interesting twist it is. I’ll try to get the word out to our regular players as she is a new winner to us.

    And, thanks for the nod in my direction, Being the naturalist, and Haiku being originally about natural subjects, I could hardly ignore the “mad” animal on your own continent – now proven to be anything but mad and not merely a lowly thief.. Certainly a frightening opportunist, though.

    You always provide a different perspective on things from your part of the world. Now I even know what a Panto is. It could hardly be more different than the pantomime I know of from when I watched TV as a child! I don’t know if they even use mimes anymore. I don’t watch TV.


  10. Pingback: Haiku Monday ~ A Twist of Fate | Spirit Lights The Way

  11. hoppelschaum says:

    Terrific job hosting, colonialist! It’s not easy. I’ve done it a few times.


  12. I hope your keyboard survived. Your labour is appreciated, as are all the contributions. I love all of them, and found great wisdom in the madness.


  13. Pawesome! I love them all =^.^=


  14. nrhatch says:

    Disperser sounds like he dodged a bullet! 😛

    Thanks, Col. I’ll post a new theme in short order and keep my fingers crossed that I’ll be as capable and competent an M.C. as the Mad Colonialist!


  15. Pingback: Haiku Revue ~ Madness | Spirit Lights The Way

  16. disperser says:

    Whew! . . .Congratulations to the winner.


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