Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand – Style, Sound and Sight.

Just a little Grand - isn't it amazing how the tops of them act as magnets for pictures?

Just a little Grand – isn’t it amazing how the tops of them act as magnets for attracting pictures?

Note that while playing Grand music, the sea-neary is grand as well.

Note that while playing Grand music, the sea-neary is grand as well.


© Colonialist December 2013 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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32 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand – Style, Sound and Sight.

  1. calmgrove says:

    Missing the pooch on the piano stool. (No, not really.) But I always feel a piano is not a piano without some music sitting on the stand, let alone photos on the lid.

    Open sheet music, preferably obscuring other music books, says so much about the person, just like looking at the books piled on their bed-side table (not that I make it a habit to go into other people’s bedrooms I hasten to emphasise) — what they practise, what they like, what their performing standard is and so on.

    A closed lid, an empty music stand: they’re like naked bereft bookshelves. But then, a photo gallery indicates that your life is not so empty after all…

    And, since you ask, piano accompaniments for Strauss songs, Beethoven cello sonatas and a Bernstein clarinet sonata. And on the side, on top of a large pile, some Bach partitas. Oh yes, I live a rich life. Waiting. For the next rehearsal.


    • colonialist says:

      That piano has to compete with an active family and a TV. It is seldom used. The one in my study is a different story. Open, and with a book of the complete Beethoven sonatas on the stand. Tucked behind that the Scarlatti K466 and Grieg Peer Gynt. Then, on the violin stand, Celtic duets, Gabariel-Marie, and Mozart.
      I wish I had the technical expertise for your collection, though.


  2. There is absolutely nothing on top of my grand; I play it too often. Love your grand sea-neary. 🙂


  3. gipsika says:

    Gorgeous. And the sea-neary is missed, on this end… 🙂

    Have a peep:

    Launched on the 5th of December 2013


  4. It looks like a beautiful place to sit and play Colin…..grand father at his grand piano 🙂


  5. gpcox says:

    Any piano I’ve ever seen had pictures on them – I thought it was mandatory.lol


  6. suzicate says:

    Now that is grand!


  7. nrhatch says:

    Fantastic capture of that view, Col . . . what a great expanse.


  8. disperser says:

    Don’t you open the top when you play it?

    We had a baby-grand at our house in Michigan (my wife is the musically inclined one) and I “plinked” making up stuff as I went going just by what sounded ok to my ears . . . I think that’s how Yanni plays.


  9. The only thing that was allowed on top of my piano were a metronome and a pile of music. My memory for the notes is sadly flawed.


  10. misswhiplash says:

    if that is where you live , you are one lucky son-of-a-gun


  11. The Asian says:

    Grand pianos are so beautiful. I love them!


  12. giselzitrone says:

    So viel Bilder Erinnerungen einen schönen Tag wünsche ich dir Grüße lieb Gislinde


  13. cupitonians says:

    Oh that view! Oh that piano! ❤


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