Ammonia and one there …


 … Lots of moans everywhere;
A moan year of despair –
Plots have grown so unfair.* 

I associate the smell of ammonia with medical facilities, or medical facilities make me think of ammonia.  Anyway, so far the fates have decreed an ammonia-filled year in one way or another.  First, there was the hospitalisation and sad passing of the close cousin, and the memorial service. 

He had seemed perfectly fit when his wife was given a ‘death sentence’ diagnosis, as did another of the younger cousins who has also since predeceased her.

Then, when Son-i-L took his car to a mechanically-skilled uncle of his on the morning of the seventh to check why a warning light was issuing a warning, the uncle complained of dizziness.  That afternoon he was taken to hospital, and went into a coma.  Family came from countrywide just in time:  he died the night before last.  He was a reasonably-fit 68-year-old

One just never knows.

Far less drastic, but annoying, has been that at the very beginning of the year I came in from a late swim, and I flung my wet towel over a wall of the shower in the dark so as not to wake the slumbering household.  I felt something bash my ankle rather painfully – I had dislodged a swan-shaped ceramic soap receptacle that had been left on top.  Muttering, I went to bed.

The next morning there was a trail of blood from shower to bedroom, and some really gory sheets.  The swan had somehow shattered on the way down and had inflicted a deep gash.  I cleansed the wound and applied antiseptic – but neglected to get stitches or a dressing.  Stupid of me.  In due course the whole foot and ankle became swollen and a gaping hole developed.  Eventually I succumbed to family demands to go to the doctor, and have had to go on a week’s course of antibiotics.   The doctor has prohibited beach visits and swimming for a month.  I am experimenting with waterproof dressings.

As it turned out, the antibiotic will now serve a dual purpose.  A much-filled (with lead!) tooth broke off and will have to come out on Monday.

Then, on Thursday, I have a considerably overdue appointment to see the optician – so that I’ll be able to see him better?  I wonder how a blind person copes when they need to see a doctor …

*Note the fore-and-aft rhyme scheme.

© Colonialist January 2014 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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27 Responses to Ammonia and one there …

  1. The Asian says:

    That’s a terrible way to start off the year… I hope the foot heals soon and from now the year will only bring good things


  2. What a dreadful start to the year, Col! So sorry about all that has befallen you and your family. I hope your ankle heals well so that you can go swimming again before the summer ends. Let’s hope that things can only improve as the year progresses. Hugs to you.


  3. disperser says:

    Definitively not a pick-me-up kind of post. Sorry to hear about the bad outcomes, and glad some had reasonable outcomes.


  4. Sonel says:

    Ouch Col! Sure not a good start for the year but I do hope things get better for you so you can enjoy the sea and pool again. That’s no fun. Take care. 🙂


  5. bulldog says:

    That is not a good start to 2014… sorry for the losses and hope the foot heals soon… can’t live by the sea and not swim in it…


    • colonialist says:

      You can just imagine how infuriating it is to have to keep away from the beach! The trouble is that I do need to take cognisance of the fact that our coastline is quite regularly polluted as a result of gross mismanagement and ineptitude.


  6. Sorry for your loss. Hope things pick up….


  7. So sorry to hear about your trial filled start to the year.
    Life seems to throw challenges at us in bundles, so I’m wishing you a steady loved filled recovery 🙂


  8. Colline says:

    Look after yourself and you will soon be back to swimming in the sea.


  9. nrhatch says:

    No wonder one of your feet didn’t want to follow you out of bed this morning. Hope it heals well and fast.

    Good luck with your teeth and eyes and the moratorium on swimming.


  10. Tom Merriman says:

    We just never know whats around the corner, Col, but we may as well enjoy what we have right now!


  11. Ouch, Col. I am sorry for your loss. And for your foot. Good luck in the Tooth Chair.


  12. What a dreadful time you have had. I hope the ankle has healed by now, and that the dentist is as kind.and gentle as Jock when he was in practice.


  13. newsferret says:

    What a healthy start to 2014, almost like me, but I was compared to that on the easy wicket 😀


  14. misswhiplash says:

    They do say that one thing follows another….so sorry that yours have all happened at all but if it were me…I would enjoy every day as though it was the most exciting day of my life.


  15. SuziCate says:

    Sorry for your loss. Hope you “see” your own health healing…or if you can’t see it, hope you can feel the stamina of good health!


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