Colonialist’s Short Story Seventy-seven challenge No 1

SHORT STORY 77On the basis of feedback, I have decided to give this a try based on sharing rather than as a competition, for now at least.  To play, either do a post with your 77 words (including title) and the badge, with a link here, or simply drop it in comments if you prefer not to post.  A graphic is an optional extra.

The theme for this one is: 


My own contribution, on which I played fair by writing it and drawing the graphic after I set the theme, is as follows:


The Way


Cross My Heart

Cross My Heart

‘Another helping of syrup tart, dear?  May as well finish it,’ Florence cooed.

Her recent husband shifted his bulk more comfortably.  ‘I shouldn’t, really,’ he protested.  ‘You know what that cardiac specialist said … oh what the heck.  Your cooking’s irresistible.’

Some months later Florence dried her crocodile tears after a satisfying visit to the executor.  Her third legacy.

‘So true what they say about the way to a man’s heart,’ she told herself complacently.

© Colonialist February 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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35 Responses to Colonialist’s Short Story Seventy-seven challenge No 1

  1. Pingback: PORTMANTEAU POST | Colonialist's Blog

  2. calmgrove says:

    The Way
    There was this photo I saw online, very witty, of a street sign which presumably was somewhere in India. I couldn’t help sharing the image as it read GOA WAY. (One to add to other favourites like that friendly invitation LETSBY AVENUE, I thought.) Anyway, I once showed this very famous Constable painting in class, talking about its features and qualities. One child piped up, “But where’s the road if it’s called The Hay Way?”


  3. gipsika says:

    Ooooo evil!! Makes me think of that joke about the widow whose first two husbands died from accidental mushroom poisoning.

    The third died of a broken skull.

    He didn’t want to eat his mushrooms.


  4. adeeyoyo says:

    OK, you win Col. For now. Here is an adapted blog:

    The Way

    Good or bad, it’s a chance we take.
    Many of the choices that we make
    End up being a huge mistake
    As we struggle through the dark
    Looking for that spark to show
    Which is the right way to go.
    And then I listen for Your reply.
    In the silence of my soul I hear
    Your voice so clear as You speak to me,
    “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” You say.


  5. adeeyoyo says:

    I have enjoyed all of them! 😀


  6. disperser says:

    So, I was not sure if the theme had to be in the title . . . I thought not, although it’s included in the story. Also, I wasn’t sure about contractions, but since my word processor treated them as one word, so did I.

    Here is my entry (the associated blog post is

    ~~~~~~ oooooo ~~~~~~
    “We’re lost, aren’t we?”
    “No, just got turned around a bit.”
    “Want to look at the interactive map again?”
    “No, that’s what got us here in the first place. I’ll ask the locals for the way.
    “You? Ask for directions? I’m impressed. Do you think it’s safe?”
    “Yeah; they look peaceful enough.”
    The cows ignored the spaceship landing, but grew attentive when what looked like a straw bale exited the ship and started walking toward them.
    ~~~~~~ oooooo ~~~~~~

    The above is an original story by E. J. D’Alise (Disperser)
    Copyright 2014


  7. Pingback: Colonialist 77 Short Story – 00001 | Disperser Tracks

  8. Tom Merriman says:

    Ah yes, the gold-digger! Very good!
    Here’s my first attempt, Col, I did write another one, but it was a bit gloomy considering it was based around Valentine’s Day, so I went for a ‘lighter’ approach.


  9. Pingback: Short story 77 – The Way | Ramblings of a jerk

  10. The Asian says:

    Great story! I’ll see if I can whip up something tonight


  11. susielindau says:

    Old Florence is a Man-eater and black widow. Good one!


  12. nrhatch says:

    Very well done! 😀


  13. misswhiplash says:

    Which way.? I came to the pointed to You, the other was a mystery. I chose to follow your way because I knew that it was the only way to reach safety. The other way . It did look tempting, and I did reconsider my decision.Should I go that way or that way… I decided to go the right way and follow You all my life. I am happy that I did Lord for evermore

    77 words( and the title is the first two words)


  14. suzicate says:

    Great story for the challenge!


  15. Here’s one – condensed from an old one.

    If I have time and inspiration, I’ll try and write a new one.


  16. Pingback: Village Show | Vivinfrance's Blog

  17. I think it should have been a syrup steamed suet pudding! – a case of sour grapes with me as I am forbidden animal fat.

    Brilliant story.


  18. guyportman says:

    An amusing short story. Syrup tart does sound tempting.


  19. Arkenaten says:

    Brilliant! You and your evil streak.
    Hearty congrats are in order, n’est ce pas?


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