Really Awfully Adverse

Rhyming Prose!

For optically-challenged or cursive-cursing readers, here it is set out more clearly:

I thought I felt a poem coming on –
Verse of some kind went dashing through my mind –
But then I looked again, and it was gone;
I cannot find it; what an awful bind! 

So, frantically, I seek poetic muse –
Bling I can string into some pretty thing –
But, guess what, it is not the slightest use;
Time will not bring a rhyme that will take wing! 

I can suppose, for me, rhymes are no-goes,
For nothing grows to any kind of flows,
One knows it shows no poem then arose –
Instead, I chose to close with rows of prose. 

And, on the prompt from NaPoWriMo:

One must be
A bit of a lunatic
To write lunes


© April 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Challenge, Humour, Language, Nonsense verse, Poems, Really Awful Rhyme, Wordplay and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

31 Responses to Really Awfully Adverse

  1. Ruth2Day says:

    rhyming verse, my absolute favourite. Nice one


  2. I was introduced to the silliness and fun of words by a poster many years ago on a classroom door:
    Be alert
    The world needs more lerts!

    Always fun to read your poems even ones that over-rhyme! lol


  3. Sonel says:

    You are the King of Rhymes Col and I can see you had lots of fun as usual. 😀


  4. I never feel a poem coming on, Col. Applause!!


  5. calmgrove says:

    I find it odd that oftentimes
    the right mot juste that aptly rhymes
    elusive; just as ‘logarithm’
    fails to link at all with ‘rhythm ‘


  6. guyportman says:

    Good poem. Writing poetry sounds like a frustrating business from the sound of it.


  7. melouisef says:

    It is all in the mind you see 😁


  8. misswhiplash says:

    To be so clever with such wit At least I know you’re not a twit To put the words to create a rythm Just shows what can be done in time And so I say to you my friend You did do well…and that,s the end


  9. susielindau says:

    And yet here you are with a wonderful poem!


  10. bulldog says:

    I loved it Col…


  11. disperser says:

    Oh man! . . . it’s that month, isn’t it?

    Oh, woe is me
    That I should see
    The work of them
    Who hold that poems
    Are lovelier than trees.

    See? That’s why I don’t.


  12. I love this one, it expresses so well the frustrating life of a poet.


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