Really Awfully Evil

Devilishly cautious.

A Pooky’s Poems prompt from somewhere back in history before I had my hands full with doing battle with various demons and things was to  ‘… write a poem which has a one word title and that word is repeated at least twice …’  Well, the first word to pop into my mind was the one below, and following that came the first phrase.  After that, the rest developed in odd breaks between keeping really busy on edits and you-name-it, and stuffing mouth and ears with antibiotics at intervals.


 ‘Evil is as evil does’,
So ‘tis said;
What about an evil buzz
In one’s head?
Even if the action’s not
Carried through,
Still, in those who plot,  you’ve got
Someone who
Must be evil, every bit,
In the mind,
As ones who, to action it,
Are inclined;
They’re in no way better than
Those who dared –
Ones who have an evil plan,
But are scared –
Undetected evil comes
With those who
Are not only evil, but
Cowards, too.

© Colonialist May 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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35 Responses to Really Awfully Evil

  1. Kev says:

    Whoa-ah-ha-Aarrrrgh! (evil grin)


  2. Oooh, a conundrum, Col. Now I’m going away to ponder whether I’m brave enough to be evil.


  3. A very evil poem indeed 🙂


    • colonialist says:

      Reminds me of ‘A vile old lady on evil bent, put on her veil and away she went; ‘Levi, my son,’ she was heard to say, ‘how are we going to live today?’
      A lot of evil in that! Every whichway.


  4. there’s a whole lot of wisdom in those words!


  5. well I’m stuffed then 😉


  6. dolosgooi says:

    Hallo, Col. For the record, I once used to be Mr G/the G etc.


  7. Sonel says:

    Well said Col! Looks like you got the demon by its tail for sure! Love it! 😀


  8. Very clever writing, Col. Maybe we’re all evil cowards at heart. Who can tell what is in people’s minds, unless they act on it? 😯


  9. cupitonians says:

    Do you read them out, Suess style, to the grandkids?


  10. bulldog says:

    There is just something about your poetry that has me smiling and enjoying every word…


  11. That last line….. Boom! So true.


  12. cobbies69 says:

    Cannot go into reasons etc,, but I love this one… 😉


  13. This has the feel of a tutorial on creative writing! Tutors were always telling me I needed more conflict etc in my fiction. I don’t like conflict – it is, as you say, evil – so that’s why I write more poetry than fiction.


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