Really Awfully For the Birds

(See sidebar on right for translation, compositions, fantasy novels, series and awards.)

Guinea fowl at golf club. Guinea fowl underfoot

Now, when the golf club you attend,

You hope those birdies fates will send

Below par will turn out to be,

‘Or better,’ said he eagle-ly,

‘I’d be most raptor-ously glad

For lots of eagles to be had.’


One pound, one shilling, is short change

For visiting a driving range,

But that, at local, ’s what you’ll find

Attached, and following behind,

And guineafowl’s the sort of bird

In tow, to make one feel absurd.


Gala Geese and Guineafowl Golf

As if it isn’t bad enough having some three-to-five-million swallows gathering nightly just down the coast, and a tiny section of garden in front of the cottage invaded by every kind of bird imaginable from swarms of Little Brown Jobs to ibis (our fault for installing the bird feeder), and having geese at galas, now a visit to our beautiful golf club in the valley had us being devotedly followed by a trio of guineafowl.  The large one was completely unperturbed when I leant down and stroked its back.  We finally had to shoo them away to enable us to leave without them.

© Colonialist March 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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34 Responses to Really Awfully For the Birds

  1. libraschild says:

    just catcihng up and got completely distracted by this post. I have you tubed guinea fowl before just to see them run, they gladden the heart!


  2. Sonel says:

    You should teach them to go and put the ball in the hole Col. 😆 Lovely shots of these beauties. I can see you’re having lots of fun there. 😀


  3. Mélanie says:

    ducks and guineafowls are quite popular in our region, and in our local yummy gastronomy… 🙂


  4. They must be hand fed a lot maybe? Sweet! 🙂


  5. Pingback: Weekly Pet Share. Round-up and start of new week (80) | Hope* the happy hugger

  6. How lovely Col. I have some rescued goslings which are now Geese that are going back to the golf course 🙂 Thank you for sharing 🌻


  7. bulldog says:

    Which Golf Club would that be Col?.. Having been green keeper at Port Shepstone and Southbroom, I’m interested to hear…


  8. Mumsy's Little Chancy Man says:

    Very nice pics. Reminded me of one of my aunts who had many of them and they followed her everywhere.


  9. Sounds like golfing on a nature preserve. Distracting perhaps, but I’d love it!


  10. cobbies69 says:

    We have a couple of doves, a pair, brown/black and his partner is white.. ..


  11. The Asian says:

    The only birds we ever get here are hadadas and they drive me insane!


  12. Guinea fowl are gorgeous to look at, but their incessant noise makes them the birds from hell – our neighbour has them.


  13. Reading your post, Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” came to mind. 😯 How lovely to be able to stroke the Guineafowl! I wonder what would happen if I tried the same thing with Mr. GBH. Maybe if I had a freshly caught fish in the other hand? 😕


  14. The birds seem almost tame. That’s probably par for the course (sorry). I have a bird feeder, but can’t get many birds to come to it. We have huge rat-like squirrels here that eat almost everything. If there’s anything left, the crows scare the small birds away, and eat what’s left.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. They’re beautiful birds. Gorgeous pix Col. Bit of a distraction from your pome though.


  16. melouisef says:

    Love them seems you can pick them up and cuddle them


  17. Patrecia (with an E) says:

    You should be so lucky…I don;t get birds in my garden


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