Serious Seasonal Meditation

GloPoWriMo Day 29
Today, I’d like to challenge you to blend these concepts into your own work, by producing a poem that meditates, from a position of tranquillity, on an emotion you have felt powerfully.

How sad, indeed, that when I go
To set, in writing, things profound,
I find that soon, before I know,
I will depart from serious ground,
Descending into levity,
And playing games with the absurd,
And finding punishment to see
In almost every second word.

I write of spring, and then I get
Instead of budding leaves and things,
The kind of spring that makes you wet,
Or makes you fly with pogo-wings;
With summer I will speculate
If it is done summer the time,
What may the rest give as a fate?
The fete provides arrest in rhyme?

And autumn comes, the leaves now fall
I autumn keep upon that track,
Instead, alas, with fall and all,
To levity I still go back
With winter, autumn fall behind,
I should now think of ice and snow,
But all too soon instead I find
That win, ter stay ahead, I go;

And when I should of seasons think,
I say one should see daughters, too,
And when of hibernation, blink,
For lowbernation should ensue,
No, with regret I must corn clued
A maize zing writing I can’t do,
For I would start a feud on food . . .
Oh, someone else, complete this, do!

© April 2019 Colonialist

And now, to take the ridiculous to the sublime, a rendering of Massenet’s ‘Meditation from Thais’. I regard this as one of the loveliest melodies ever written. It never fails to move me.

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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15 Responses to Serious Seasonal Meditation

  1. Love that music but in this, the piano dominates, it’s too loud, I can barely hear the violin

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Debra says:

    Beautiful, Leslie. Your wonderfully composed piece is indeed special. You met the challenge and then some!


  3. You just couldn’t help yourself 🙂 Well done, though. Wonderful music

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Calmgrove says:

    Such an insightful piece and, in its way, quite emotional: it reveals a lot about you and I speculate whether your usual recourse to levity is a kneejerk reaction to things that may move or upset you—as though you were worried about revealing a deeply sensitive side of yourself, to yourself as much as others. I say all this cod psychology only because I recognise it in myself.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sue W says:

    A wistfulness – what was once and can be no more. That’s the way I read it. Massenet’s Meditation is beautiful and never fails to bring a tear.

    Liked by 2 people

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