In this season of peace and goodwill I seriously resent it when activities by representatives of a particular ethnic group fill me with disgust and loathing, and turn me into a born-again racist.

Firstly, we have a person with the inappropriate name of Innocent Chamane who heads the logistics unit of the Metropolitan Police for Durban, and has issued a directive that all police dogs and horses no longer fit for duty due to age or injury must be taken to the SPCA to be put down.  He has overridden the custom whereby handlers should be allowed to keep them – understandably, a deep bond is built up between such officers and animals – under the justification that ‘by the book’ these animals were ‘assets’ and that they had to be destroyed when no longer serviceable. 

Although this order has now been put on hold after an outcry, it is disturbing that a person of this calibre should hold a position where it is possible for him to issue such a disgusting directive in the first place.

Secondly, our tenant, after drawing the month’s rental from a local bank a couple of days ago, was attacked at a stop street when driving home.  The car door on the driver’s side was opened and a knife held to her throat – causing a gash – while another piece of walking garbage opened the opposite door and snatched her handbag.  The pair then made off. 

It is a sad reflection on the current state of affairs that her main reaction was one of gratitude that her baby in the back had come to no harm, and that she hadn’t become a victim of car theft, kidnapping, and rape and/or murder.

Thirdly, an elderly fellow garden judge has just been rugby-tackled by three brave warriors while entering her front gate on foot after garaging her car.  She hit her head on a wall and sustained an arm injury, but fought them off nonetheless.  In the scuffle, her bag came open and her mobile fell out and was smashed.  They still managed to wrest the bag from her, and then made off with her cash, cards and personal documents.

Given the demographics, is it reasonable to look upon these incidents in a racist light?  Unfortunately, yes.  It emerges strongly that this group does have a far greater proportionate propensity for behaving in a brutally callous manner, turning to violent crime, and towards violent behaviour and destructiveness generally.  It is not even as if their own actions are inspired by racism – the elderly and infirm in their own group are also ruthlessly targeted. 

Having got that rant off my chest, I shall now strive to regain a mindset appropriate to the Season.   It is so sad that this part of the year is seen by the criminal classes as a prime time for taking rather than giving.

© Colonialist December 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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  1. huntmode says:

    Col, I understand your anger and join in. There will come a solution and it will not be pretty. HuntMode


  2. nrhatch says:

    Even at Christmas . . . people can be terribly depressing animals.


  3. newsferret says:

    I graduated as an anthropologist, for most of my life I was not a racist, now in the new Soufeffrica Blacks are turning me into a racist. My balancing factor is those Blacks I know who refer to certain elements from politicians through the police and government service to criminals as those bloody Kaffirs.


  4. 68ghia says:

    I was thinking the other day – you’ve heard the story of the Night of the long knives? Everybody has by now. Thing is, it is not just one night, it’s been a steady drip for the past twenty years. One that will become worse, and we will not be able to do anything to change it. I also often think that what these people are doing now, smacks of what the Brits did in the Anglo Boer war – scorched earth. Hit people at their vulnerable spots and you will break their spirit…


  5. The natural reaction to stories like these is anger and a wish for retribution. But that makes us as bad as they are. The racist angle is not so understandabe, given the race of the majority of the popuation. In UK there is simiar violence by all races. It is the violence which must be rooted out, though how I don’t know. Perhaps when the have-nots and the haves have less of a gulf between them.

    Have a happy, peaceful and loving Christmas.


    • colonialist says:

      The levels of gratuitous violence are higher in SA by far than in UK or the Continent, or USA. One also needs to realise that the majority colour is made up of a number of races, with different characteristics (on average) much as one will find with Welsh, Scots, Irish, Cockneys …
      I am all for a spot of retribution. Lack of efficient means of causing it to be dished out promptly is part of the problem.
      And now, peace, light and happiness returns to the reckoning. 🙂 Same to you!


  6. Gobetween says:

    Scary. I hope that you and your family are safe this Christmas. Enjoy every moment.


  7. disperser says:

    Sorry to hear. I wish I had not, in fact, as I hear well too much of these kinds of things. The level of frustration has been rising for a few years now, and my tolerance for people who would make excuses has reached an all-time low.

    There are no excuses, and my opinion is that people have forgotten certain actions abdicate one’s right to be considered a human being.

    But that’s just me. Sadly, I see no end in sight, and if anything, I hold a pessimistic outlook for future quality of life across the world. Unless, of course, you either have money, power, or both.


  8. Merry Christmas, May there be more peace and love in the world


  9. Pussycat44 says:

    Many years ago I donated my 9-month old Alsatian to the dog unit. I always hoped that he lived a good life with his handler and that he stayed with his handler after he (the dog) retired from active service. This not-so-Innocent man needs to be euthanased himself. The rest of your stories also make my blood boil.


    • colonialist says:

      If this was a while back the chances are that he would have retired as a pet of the handler. It was customary until now for that option to exist.
      Yes, some serious culling seems to be indicated – one needs to find a suitable pesticide.


  10. I understand your rant, Col.


  11. granny1947 says:

    Much as I don’t want to be racist I have to agree with you….


  12. bulldog says:

    Don’t like this post… even though all you’ve said is true… I try to have the Ostrich effect at this time of year to some of the goings on in our country… but yes such does make the racist blood rise…


  13. misswhiplash says:

    I agree with you 100%..the world is no longer the safe place that once it was, or appeared to be. That nasty person killing the horses and dogs should be shot! I wonder really how much more cruelty and hardness can this world is getting beyond any comprehension…. May God help those with such degraded and criminal minds

    good post..thank you


  14. PS : and the horses to


  15. And regarding the old so called used up police assets well what a sad way to just get rid of such precious souls of dogs who have added such richment and protection. I truly hope that that law does not come into force.


    • colonialist says:

      It will be disgraceful if it is allowed to. I think the storm of protest will blow it away – and, hopefully, Chamane – although I wouldn’t bet on that. Ineptitude seems to be an advantage in certain jobs these days.


  16. Yes this kind of mentality grates me to NO end. And when I post things of this nature of my face book page I get attack left right and center that bad things happen in Europe to sure they do but it is not BRUTAL…


    • kragenhai says:

      My answer to those ‘attacks’ would be ‘What has, what happens in Europe got to do with what happens in SA?’ Europeans do their thing we do ours and what is happening here now is not acceptable to US. Never mind what happens in Europe!


    • colonialist says:

      There are not many places where the criminals sink to the levels of violence to achieve their ends which we are seeing in this country. Even expatriates from SA have lost touch with just how bad it has become.


  17. kragenhai says:

    I can’t ‘like’ this, because I don’t!
    Innocent is a twit. Those ‘assets’ can also be sold (even for a nominal sum) to their handlers. Might even get some money back instead of burdening the SPCA with the cost of euthanasia!
    There will always be different races and some place a very low value on life.
    Your comment on my posting The Kruger twins. (Just picked it up. Lots of computer problems). It was not handed to the News papers nor was any action taken by the authorities so it’s not much good Googling it.
    Nicky decided to put it on Facebook instead.


    • colonialist says:

      These various specimens are a very bad advertisement for their people and culture.
      Thanks for the link. I am still uncertain as to exactly WHEN this happened. Was it the Monday falling on 16th December, or further back? The press would only be activated if it is fairly fresh or if some dramatic new development takes place.


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