Weekly Photo Challenge: Threshold: to floral art

 Crowhurst Threshold  

I am using the ‘Threshold’ challenge to show two thresholds of the historic Crowhurst Manor in Kloof, Durban, seen last week on the occasion of a ‘Flowers in the Home’  (there was also food and fashion) organised by Durban Floral Art Club.    29032014433 Crowhurst

  While at it, though, wouldn’t it be a shame not to take you over that threshold …

Crowhurst Flowers in bath Crowhurst entrance hall ceiling Crowhurst ceiling ( brm) Crowhurst bay window Crowhurst staircase and portraits

Crowhurst Another Bedroom Crowhurst Mural and flowers Crowhurst living room Crowhurst flowers 29032014460 Crowhurst bed framed by flowers

Crowhurst Flower Arrangement

Colonialist © April 2014 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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32 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Threshold: to floral art

  1. footsy2 says:

    Stunning house but not wild for the flowers – prefer my arrangements less contrived 🙂


  2. Pingback: WordPress challenge: Threshold | The Wandering Poet

  3. nrhatch says:

    Wow! A nice place to visit . . . but I wouldn’t want to live there. Thanks for the share!


  4. Pingback: My Little Cuddle Buddy. | B.Kaotic

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  6. Ruth2Day says:

    I like the exterior more than the interior. Although I’ve always thought a staircase such as this one to be so romantic. I have an image of years gone by when women dressed in beautiful gowns abd glided down towards the hand of their man 🙂


  7. A splendid house, Col, and one which I would hate to have to clean. Lovely St Josephs Lilies. I have a pot of them on my dining table, and the whole house smells of them. It’s a bit overpowering.


  8. Grannymar says:

    Nice house, but I am not a fan of cut flowers so found them overwhelming and far too elaborate for the setting.


  9. Pingback: photo-challenge-threshold #photography #dpchallenge #haiku | Moondustwriter's Blog

  10. melouisef says:

    Wow! And even in the bath.


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Threshold (B4 the start) | What's (in) the picture?

  12. disperser says:

    Nice, but I see a lot of dusting . . . and not nice flat surfaces either.

    Still, nice to look at. Thanks.


  13. susielindau says:

    Thanks for the gorgeous tour!


  14. misswhiplash says:

    Wow..either one or both would suit me well for a weekend retreat


  15. Really beautiful house. Love the paintings.


  16. Colline says:

    The house looks so beautiful inside.


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