Really Awful Day 1 – 8 Themes for NaPoWriMo

(Click on appropriate section of sidebar on right for translations, writings, compositions, awards and special series.)

Day 1 (What something is not)

It isn’t like an article, or press report, or tale,
And isn’t something where most people trying it don’t fail,

Day 2 (Stars)

But poetry is taking stars from distant galaxies
And rearranging orbits with results the senses please:

Day 3 (Iambic septameter)

I wish, then, I could write a batch of sev’n iambic feet,
But somehow I’ve a fear results will not be very neat;

Day 4 (Love poem without love and soppiness)

In this I’d have expressed how much I have become besotted,
And ways to say how jolly fine I thought her would have plotted,

Day 5 (Emily Dickinson rearranged)

In possibility I dwell as fairer house than prose
With more poetic windows and with doors far more verbose,

Talking of windows, it has now been decided to replace every single one in the house.  Here progress continues.

Talking of doors and windows, it has now been decided to replace every single one in the house. Here progress continues.

Day 6 (Aubade)

Though the farewells to my love, at the breaking of the dawn,
Because I am still fast asleep, are spoken not, but snorn,

Day 7 (Money)

For cash rewards are not enough to make me early rise –
That money comes to me at all comes as a big surprise.

Day 8 (Palinode or change of mind)

For NaPoWriMo I had thought I’d get my own themes done,
But now, as well, I’ve set out here the set ones, all in one! 

© Colonialist April 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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11 Responses to Really Awful Day 1 – 8 Themes for NaPoWriMo

  1. Gobetween says:

    Hectic, but I understand it will irritate you if it is not done.


  2. I also love “snorn” except when it’s in my ear. Replacing every single window in the house sounds very familiar. This is the third house we’ve done it to; only ten windows this time. 🙂


  3. You weave these better than just about anyone. 🙂


  4. adeeyoyo says:

    Yip, I love ‘snorn’, lol! Seriously the house is taking shape very nicely. Hard work though, I bet, especially for Mrs Col!


  5. Patrecia (with an E) says:

    well done little poet person


  6. Bwahahaaa – ‘snorn’!


  7. Rob McShane says:

    Magic way of doing this! Well done! Love it/them! 🙂


  8. paws2smile says:

    Haha loved these! Great job!


  9. Number 2 is my favourite. No.3: I once wrote a sonnet in iambic octameter. I rather like the longer lines. I have given up on Napo because of ginormous techie problems.


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