On the Way; or Down the Road Apiece …

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “On the Way.”

On the Way

This road is  about thirty seconds away from our front gate, and is the one most often followed when going anywhere.   Going anywhere usually involves a left turn halfway down the hill.  As can be imagined, there is a constant temptation, instead, to continue all the way down the hill and then do a right turn towards that splashy frothy stuff they call the Indian Ocean.

Not as good as we had it when said splash was a minute’s walk through jungle down our front garden (which was fronting on the bit of coastline visible in this picture), but pretty handy nonetheless.

© Colonialist June 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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19 Responses to On the Way; or Down the Road Apiece …

  1. Kev says:

    Lovely view. 🙂


  2. elspethc says:

    I also live beside an ocean. There is something very wonderful about being near such hugeness and its beauty, power and splashy stuff


  3. I’m enjoying being within arms reach of that splashy frothy stuff at the moment. 🙂


  4. I must admit, I would we drawn to the ocean. Some destinations just call too convincingly…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Patrecia (with an E) says:

    sometimes things change for the better but we do not always realize it at the time…..I cannot see the sea at all..even if I stand on a chair!


  6. Colline says:

    Did not realize you still lived near the sea. Nice.


  7. Tokeloshe says:

    We so miss those big waves ;-(


  8. gipsika says:

    Col – I’m going to move to Durbs!! I’m fed up with the cold, dry winter here, and with ten thousand other things…

    Only don’t yet know when.


  9. I love that splashy frothy stuff, and 20 years ago it was at the bottom of our garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    • colonialist says:

      I would really hate not having it handy. Living in the Midlands was incredible, but I still missed it. From it being almost on the front doorstep when I was a child, I have come to regard it as a normal part of existence!

      Liked by 1 person

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