A Striking Day with Hit Tunes

My Christmas Day main gift with the one it replaces. Constructed on 26th. The old one’s adjustments packed in years ago. The new one is thrillingly adaptable!  As Rhiannon discovered, by pulling out the adjustment lever it becomes a rocker. Variable heights and tensions, and most comfortable!
Though fisticuffs is not a sport
Strikes one to hit upon with gifts,
One day does beat up such support,
And pugilism spirit lifts;
To have a bash is not a sin —
While punch-drunk too, no doubt —?
Hit on the chin to make it in
And when it’s in, he’s out?
The ring does have one on the ropes,
With bells that strike out loud
And for a count of ten one hopes —
Such gifts would please the crowd!
To fight for right with what is left
From day before is fun,
So no-one left out is bereft,
With wins for everyone.
The Noble art I practise now,
With others, hand-in glove,
With tape included in, somehow,
All fitted from above.
What do you think is such a hit;
Pray give to me the reason?
That’s when we make the next day fit.
To end our Festive Season!
Though Christmas Day main gifts we give,
Majority are kept,
For Boxing Day is what we live;
At giving, then adept!
© December 2019 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Africa, Humorous rhyme, Personal Journal, Really Awful Rhyme. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to A Striking Day with Hit Tunes

  1. SueW says:

    It’s three weeks or so since you posted this and there’s been nothing since. I’m assuming the chemo has taken its toll. Thinking about you, 🙂


  2. libraschild says:

    i like the ones with the movable arms that go up and down too so i can pull the chair really close to the table!


  3. Widdershins says:

    Nice, very nice! 😀 … I have one of those chairs,, they’re fabulous! 😀


  4. Forestwood says:

    I approve of the new purchase. It was time to upgrade! Happy New Year!


  5. Your chair is quite the upgrade, Col. There’s no Boxing Day here; it’s either back to work or off to the store to exchange gifts for more suitable ones. 😅

    Liked by 1 person

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