I am combining the daily rhyme for NaPoWriMo with a 55-word short story challenge on the theme of Lighthouse:

LighthouseLighthouse-keeper had seen
Two lights of red and green;
Got on radio
To aircraft so low:
‘Go up! Straight ahead, lighthouse light!’
Pilot responded, in fright,
‘Have you in sight
I’m pulling up, right!’ 

Dived, left, into sea… 

But how can that be? 

‘Red to left shows the clown
Must have been flying upside down!’


(A trick question in a Pilot’s Exemption Certificate Course exam which Much Better Half and I once took said: 

‘Over the bow you have a red light to port and a green light to starboard on a steady bearing.  What are you seeing?’

The answer could only be a seaplane flying upside down on a collision course.   If it were a boat upside down, the lights would be underwater.)

© Colonialist April 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Challenge, Colonialist, verse, writing, music composition, fantasy, Africa, journal., Flash Fiction, Flying, Humour, Ocean, Poems, Really Awful Rhyme, Short story and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Zirkie says:

    Excellent, as always!


  2. bluebee says:

    Just as well I’m not a pilot


  3. You’re too clever for me. I’m all confused 😯


  4. optie says:

    Good poem Col, much to OH’s frustration I can never remember which is left and which is right which has made for some interesting dinghy sailing.


    • colonialist says:

      That can be useful. Much Better Half, as crew, on occasion yelled, ‘Starboard!’ to another yacht which had the right-of-way with such conviction that they would promptly go about – and then curse.


  5. Arkenaten says:

    I knew port is red. We have a bottle in the cupboard.


  6. nrhatch says:

    Sounds like he landed in the drink! **splash**


  7. Either that or you’re looking in a mirror, or at a reflection in a window?


  8. The Asian says:

    This is why I never decided to train to be a pilot, way too confusing for me!


  9. adinparadise says:

    I wouldn’t make a good pilot or lighthouse man. 😦 All very confuscating.


  10. Pussycat44 says:

    A Flying Dutchman??


  11. bulldog says:

    Good confusing poem…


  12. Sonel says:

    Yep and if the clown was there, he would be drowning by this stage and you lost me at “trick question” already. 😛 Love the poem by the way. *hugs*


  13. 68ghia says:

    So port is left and starboard right? And the green light is where exactly?
    nautical terms – quite difficult for this landlubber!!
    Cute poem nevertheless Col 😉


    • colonialist says:

      Navigation lights: port is red and green is starboard. You only see those from the front (both) or one or the other from the side. When you get behind the middle of a ship or aircraft they vanish and are replaced by a single white light. So the colours mean look out, but white means it is going away from you.


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