R loses tooth     R has unexpectedly, and far too early, shed her first tooth; a front bottom one, at age five.  That first set is a fleeting thing, but should at least last until about age seven.

     Anyway, she came to show me a special box she has put it in, saying, ‘The tooth fairy will come and see, “My first tooth”, on the box, and then she’ll open it and she’ll take it and put it in her tooth castle and then she’ll come back and give me five thousand Rand, and then I’ll use that to win the Lotto, and then we can go to Disneyland.  And I’ll buy a castle.’  I quickly jotted this down verbatim.  You will note that she doesn’t exactly think small. (She seemed to say it all in one breath, too!) 

     Another variation on this theme, with pictures not my own:

 Germany Frozen Fleas

If in Circus

Fleas are workers,

Carts they tow are, in the main, meant

As a flea-t’ing entertainment.


     And a haiku for the Foam (for Michael) theme of “What do you see when you close your eyes at night?”

My main current writing project.

My main current writing project.

Review of writing:

Thoughts run deep, and block out sleep –

Far too exciting!

© Colonialist June 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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23 Responses to WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE: FLEETING – Teeth and Entertainment.

  1. Little ones always looks so cute to me when they lose their teeth 🙂 Very cute pic.


  2. Lisaman says:

    OMW the last time my son put his tooth in the box the fairy forgot 3 nights in a row!! 😉


  3. foam says:

    A writing project! No wonder you are preoccupied! I can relate to the haiku.. Not writing.. But just other schtuff.


  4. Wow, lots going on in that head of yours right now!


  5. I definitely relate to your haiku!


  6. adeeyoyo says:

    I love your Review of Writing, Col! Hope your piggybank is full!


  7. melouisef says:

    How much is a tooth worth these days?


  8. 68ghia says:

    She’s obviously not quite a slow starter 😉
    Good luck on the 5k though – my kids had to settle for a rand or so, and me, 20c!!


  9. Sonel says:

    As long as the tooth fairy is not Dwayne Johnson..heheheh. She doesn’t think small for sure and that is just the way it should be. Love that smile and living in a castle would be quite fun. I will buy one next to her and we can explore all the hidden rooms and chase the ghosts out…:D
    Yuck to that fleas! How anyone can play with them is beyond me. I would just spray Frontline all over. LOL!
    Love the cover of your new book Col. Stunning! 😀 *big hugs*


    • colonialist says:

      She certainly has ambition! Secret panels would, of course, be compulsory.
      Flea circuses are strange things, indeed.
      The cover is very provisional and will still need a lot of work – or may change completely. But I must say I like Rhino Peak. However, the suggestion of fantasy is still missing.


      • Sonel says:

        Oh I absolutely agree there Col. I love secret panels. I am sure we are going to have lots of fun with that..hehehehe
        I like Rhino Peak as well Col and I am sure you will find that suggestion of fantasy. 😀


  10. nrhatch says:

    R5,000 = $500!
    Wow . . . that is 2000x more than the tooth fairy brought us ~ we got a quarter.

    Best of luck to her in winning the Lottery and getting to Disneyland and buying a castle and . . . 😀


    • colonialist says:

      She still got enough to buy a Lotto ticket. I think I should get one for her. I would enjoy sharing her trip to Disneyland, and with any luck she would let me share her castle.


  11. Pussycat44 says:

    Maybe a tooth gnome will take the tooth for R5 000!!!


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