118 Really Awful Words Tell a Picture

(Translate; Vertaal; Vertalen; Traduire; Übersetzung: μετάφραση: Tradução: Перевод; Traducción: )———->
(Click on Sidebar items on right for translations, to play Colonialist compositions, or to visit his writings etc.)

This time the NaPoWriMo prompt calls for a poem written from a photograph.  As it happens, I have had lots of opportunities for photographs but none for blogging.  With one granddaughter turning six on Wednesday and another turning three on Friday, it has become Party Time.  Saturday seemed to have the population of their entire school at their Mermaid/Pirate Party, and today friends and relations had been invited for lunch.

Anyway, one of yesterday’s photos really grabbed me, and I started playing with it.  Then, when I saw the prompt, I thought it would be the ideal subject for a Really Awful Rhyme, with perhaps a slightly reduced sprinkling of the Really Awful:

Jeneva (Clear backgraound)(AC)(Sm)

The Mermaid Princess 

A Mermaid Princess turning three
Was squealing in delight;
The party had filled her with glee,
The cakes were as yummy as they could be
And everyone present that she could see
Was smiling, all merry and bright. 

But suddenly she paused and turned;
Assumed a pensive look;
Perhaps for a Mer-prince there she yearned?
For State of the Nation she was concerned?
Too much to eat a sore tum had returned?
But I promptly her picture took! 

That photo is a joy to me:
Expression there so fine;
I edited it to some degree;
No background I wanted there to be,
But only that beautiful girl to see –
As a portrait it is divine!

© Colonialist April 2014 (WordPress)

Now, let me show the original, and two of the development stages:

Jen 26042014594JenevaJeneva (Clear backgraound)



About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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37 Responses to 118 Really Awful Words Tell a Picture

  1. bluebee says:

    The beauty of cropping to reveal a beauty. Fabulous job, Col. The munchkin would make a fine female hero fighting baddies in ‘The Batman’ films.


    • colonialist says:

      That is a great concept – the model in J would love rising to the challenge! (You should see her ‘speak’ to the camera as soon as she knows there is one trained on her!)


  2. adeeyoyo says:

    Amazing what one can do nowadays Col. Lovely little girl and very serious for a three-year-old.


  3. PookyH says:

    this is great fun – and good job with the photo too!


  4. elspethc says:

    Great photo and editing process. The rhyme suits her expression – bit of bewilderment / speculation about what this is all about?


  5. d1nx says:

    I’ve really missed your rhymes! This one is terrific.. happy birthday to both of them.. can’t believe how time flies.. I remember the photos for her as a baby. You did a good portrait Col.
    (Couldn’t reply to you on your comment on my blog – the 2nd time – have no idea why, but I’m glad I came to ‘see’ you here. – Your latest completed work sounds fascinating.. if a bit morbid – but that time is morbid. It’s something I’d like to read one day – let me know when it’s published.)
    Hugs to the kids & to the rest


  6. Grannymar says:

    A beautiful little lady and wonderful words to go with her.

    I do hope you print the photo and the poem as a 18th birthday gift!


  7. melouisef says:

    Oh for that cutest little face!


  8. cobbies69 says:

    My type of poem and pictures to match great… 😉


  9. Sonel says:

    Wow Col! You did an amazing job for sure and you are right, it’s is a divine portrait. She is such a cutie and totally adorable. I am sure before long this portrait is going to be hanging on the wall. 😀


  10. bulldog says:

    Brilliant… pure brilliance…


  11. nrhatch says:

    Awesome, Col. You did a great job turning a snapshot into a portrait of a Mermaid Princess turning three!


  12. Colline says:

    You should print the photo and poem for her. I think she would appreciate it when she is older.
    Love the little poem by the way.


  13. I wish I could get away with face paint at my age. 🙂 Very cute, Col. Happy Birthday to her!


  14. The Asian says:

    She looks adorable! Can’t believe that they’re growing up so quickly


  15. Lovely mer-princess. and I hope you give her the poem to keep as a memento.


  16. misswhiplash says:

    And didn, t you do well.
    somehow I don, t like to see such pretty little girls covered inmakeup to be made to look glamorous but she is rather fascinating


  17. Pussycat44 says:

    Too cute and very clever.


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