Really Awful Bridge Passages

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The bridges in Durban are fairly piffling affairs.  These over the Umgeni River are the main ones.  The green hill top left (The Bluff) needs one across to it - residents on that side have to skirt the whole harbour to get to the other side.

The bridges in Durban are fairly piffling affairs. These over the Umgeni River are the main ones. The green hill, top left,  (the Bluff) needs one linking it – residents on that side like us have to skirt the whole harbour to get across.

‘I’d like to challenge you to write a poem about bridges’ is the prompt for NaPoWriMo Day Twenty Eight.

 ‘Write about bridges,’ we were told,
And so I started rants
Regarding ladies who made bold
To try and wear the pants! 

But then I came to realise
That ‘britches’ wasn’t meant,
Which means that, all, I must revise
On what time’s so far spent … 

Ah – bridges are what go on teef
To straighten dental sets,
And ugliness beyond belief
From which the wearer gets. 

A bridge upon a violin
Or else upon a geet,
Is funny bit of wood wherein
The strings one has to seat. 

Another Bridge has people, four,
Around a table, sat,
With bits of card; it seems a bore –
I wonder what they’re at? 

Ah, so, as far as bridges go,
That is the lot, perhaps?
Oh wait – there are still more to show –
The ones for bridging gaps! 

In Paris, many there exist
To take away the pain
Of crossing, so cars may desist
From driving you in Seine. 

In London, nothing bridges Thames –
For it has fallen down –
So, crossing, Londoner condemns
To risking that he drown. 

On bridges, this is quite enough:
The subject has gone stale;
We need one from the town to Bluff –
But that’s another tale! 

© Colonialist April 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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14 Responses to Really Awful Bridge Passages

  1. You are so clever! I loved this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, you didn’t burn any bridges with this post! Good for you! 🙂


  3. Brilliant! Driving you in Seine! Literally has me laughing out loud! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Most entertaining, Col. 🙂 Your poem almost went a bridge too far, but you knew when to stop. 🙂


  5. Comprehensive – well, not quite: London Bridge has been rebuilt! I’ve always admired motorway bridges.


  6. Patrecia (with an E) says:

    very well said…you covered a lot of bridges

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Rip says:

    There’s not enough money to build a bridge from Bluff to town. Perhaps we could get some bridging finance?

    Liked by 2 people

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