Recording a Good Day Gives a Bad Day …

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In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Today Was a Good Day.”

I’ve always blithely ignored ‘Gallery’ before – not knowing what it was.  This prompt has made me find out.  I like it.  I did wonder, vaguely, how these brilliant bloggers were achieving slide shows on their blogs.

Anyway, the ‘today’ was actually yesterday, but I couldn’t get the pictures to load. 

It is always a good day when I am fully involved with the grandchildren and their activities.  This day had me even more involved than usual!  First, the sports day for young R, and I arrived just in time to see her bounding to a second place in the race she had been entered for.  Her house won, too, plus getting the ‘Spirit’ trophy, so that was great!

Then it was back to pick up J from her school.  The parents really did do distant whale-watching while waiting for the release of the kids, but I cheated with the picture.  I didn’t take any there, and had to go to my archives to produce my past pictures of similar scenes.  These are closer than one sees from the school, where one is mainly watching for plumes and splashes.

Then it was back to R’s school to watch her training with the Squad and to bring her home.  It was then finally decided that it would be hopeless to try to keep a Wendy House erected a couple of days ago – on the non-entry side of the house – a secret any longer, so they were introduced to it, wet paint and all.  ‘Look; but don’t touch!’ 

So after that it was, of course, a matter of getting the paint off J’s hands …

Then we went out for a good meal at our favourite local called the Chicken Shack, with a superior kiddie playground and pizzas to die for.

Windows seized up as I was ready to post this – fortunately the draft did come up, but only when I started all over again.  It wasn’t among my ‘dashboard’ drafts.  On seeing that, I had commented, ‘Dearie me!’ or certain words slightly more strongly to that effect, but I sang a solo version of the Hallelujah Chorus in recompense when I found it.

© Colonialist August 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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18 Responses to Recording a Good Day Gives a Bad Day …

  1. Pingback: Perfect Day on the Fringe | litadoolan

  2. Barb says:

    I read this earlier—on my phone, then said to myself that I’d wait to get back to a PC to comment. Well it’s taken some time, but mostly I wanted to comment on how busy you are. I need an energy drink to keep up with you. Way to go and motivate the rest of us!


    • colonialist says:

      Thanks for kind comment! The only trouble is that I simply don’t seem to get through all I want to do each day. It is heavily frustrating to see my ‘to do’ list mounting!


  3. libraschild says:

    at least the draft saves. i typed up most of an email and then accidentally wiped it and there was no back… most annoyed


    • colonialist says:

      Annoying indeed, but imagine how I felt once when a day of writing in inspired storytelling mode was wiped after a computer crash when I deleted and saved the wrong choices!


  4. congrats on the slideshow 😉 looooove that pink and white play house

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ruth2Day says:

    what a great day you had, and the pink wendy house, you must be the bestest grandpa EVER!


  6. Debra says:

    I really love the comment that any day spent with the grandchildren is a good day! Your granddaughters are so adorable and I can tell they fill your life with much joy, and you theirs, in return.I really like that wonderful pink playhouse and a slideshow allows for more photos. Keep sharing them! 🙂


  7. What a great grandpa you are. It must be such fun to see so much of your two little stars. Lovely Wendy House. i hope your two play with it more than our granddaughters did with the one we built for them. It was a bit of a 7 day wonder. 😦


  8. A great time being had by all! I too have been known to use wicked words when Windows wallops me in the windbag..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    What a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing-well worth your blood, sweat and singing, I’m sure!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Tokeloshe says:

    I love the slideshow, well done, sorry about the technical problems.
    The Wendy house is so cute 😉


  11. Pussycat44 says:

    You had a very busy day! Bet the girls love the wendy house.


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