Another Wordle as Really Awful Rhyme

A very moving experience over the past few days – finally moving Younger Daughter and the grandkids into the main house and our stuff from storage into the cottage – has taken up an awful lot of time.  Fitting curtain rails in the bedrooms alone was a task which defies description.  The walls appear to have been constructed out of some outer space material which defies drill bits.

Anyway, in spite of all that I couldn’t resist the challenge of having another go at doing a Wordle in order as given and rhyming:

Some seem born to tell all of a journey

The distant sky sets a line for his will;

That point reached, starts new cycle in turn: he

Can never stand; he will not remain still;

Stones of tales from this source are created,

Made of the atoms in memory burn;

Then he writes them, as it has been fated,

When from these wanderings he shall return.

© March 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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17 Responses to Another Wordle as Really Awful Rhyme

  1. gipsika says:

    Love the poem! 🙂 More strongs with settling in.


  2. Misky says:

    This is a lovely poem, and a very enjoyable read.


  3. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    Live long and well in your own space!


  4. disperser says:



  5. C.C. says:

    “Made of the atoms in memory burn”—I love the dance this takes my imagination on 🙂


  6. jo(e) says:

    Hanging curtain rods is the most awful task. We’ve lived in our house for 17 years and there is still one upstairs bedroom that has no curtains ….


  7. elspethc says:

    I am still working out what a wordle is. In the meantime, my sympathy over the drill and impervious material.


    • colonialist says:

      Wordles are a challenge to write a poem using a given batch of 12 words.
      I am still aching from long periods of holding a heavy hammer drill above my head while it battered its way – painfully slowly – into the wall.


  8. Brilliant Les – with your “in order and rhymig” addition to the rules, you make it so difficult for yourself,yet you make it look easy, I’m sure it isn’t, but that’s how it seems.

    I bet you’re glad to have your own things around you and a bit of space. Enjoy. We had undrillable-into lintols in our last two houses. In the end we decided not to have any curtains. There wasn’t really any need, as there were electric shutters, but mostly we just looked at the darkness.


    • colonialist says:

      I must admit the second batch of words was a bit tricky to bring in and make sense! Not to mention rhyme. But inspiration did come.
      The main house has windows overlooked by the next-door neighbours. Daughter was thinking in terms of blinds, but the expense put her off. I’m glad – I like curtains.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Tom Merriman says:

    You do these really well, Col… and in order too! I don’t think I’ve got the hang of them yet…


  10. I quite like this wordle…stories within stories. Sometimes while drilling one imagines a sledgehammer!


  11. We have plaster walls in our old farmhouse. There is danger of cracking when we hang anything on them. Good luck with your new use of spaces. Your wordled poem whirls the itch for a journey. Nicely done.


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