The Really Awful Stars by Day

Moon over sea

Do you believe you see a star
By day, from down a shaft quite far?
Well, actually, this is untrue;
It is a thing you cannot do.

Though Aristotle said it’s so,
And Hershel, who should better know,
The light at head of shaft’s too bright
And ‘telescope effect’ ain’t right.

The sun, of course, one sees by day –
Without it, day would go away! –
Jupiter, Venus, you may spy
(Not easily) with sun in sky.

For stars to show, though, they compete
With sunlight’s brighter radiant heat;
But stupid stars can’t get this right …
So dim, they only show at night.

The moon by day is often seen,
Though seldom noticed it has been;
In fact, a lot of folk declare
That moon by day just isn’t there. 

Some stars, by day, to sight are clear,
And, to them, one might get quite near,
But these are sports- and showbiz- types –
And one can do without their hypes!

© July 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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4 Responses to The Really Awful Stars by Day

  1. Tom Merriman says:

    I’ve seen the Moon by day, Col… very often in fact – but you’re right – not one star has crossed my sight. (Although I have met one or two of the more Earthly ‘stars’ – they didn’t have the celestial effect as proper stars, however!)


    • colonialist says:

      Everyone sees, but it is surprising how few notice, the moon by day.
      I have met a few (older) pop and film stars The pop ones were nice guys and gals – the film ones were much too full of themselves.


  2. Never thought about stars like that before except for the human variety, being stupid that is!….


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