Dizzy Circles

Today, after some morning attempts to log into internet (only partly successful) and specifically into the banking app. (wholly unsuccessful) saw me dashing to the local bank to sort it out, close a redundant account, and get replacements for about-to-expire cards in the process. (Paranoid: will that snippet of information promptly prompt scammers to scam?) This painful process involved more time and effort and paperwork than ever arose in the good old pre-computer days.

We didn’t have time to return home before a dash to the school to collect J from Home Line, and then take her to sit with us while watching R continue her recent kicking form at Squad Swimming.  Not a boy (no girls at today’s session) could come anywhere near her on freestyle board kicking, in spite of height advantages, and she has again improved on kicking for other strokes.

Home gave me a brief break before I had to shoot across town to fetch the first actual batch of prints of The Robin and the Wish for distribution. I had really been remiss in this regard: the printers have had them ready for ages but I overlooked chasing up until yesterday. Too much on my tiny mind!

Even now, the effect of the centre-spread is not as clear as was shown in my post of 18th July, but a further general lightening of all images should achieve that effect and the ones now printed are quite good enough in the meantime.

© September 2019 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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3 Responses to Dizzy Circles

  1. You certainly do have a lot going on. I am frustrated with our internet which has been off since 5pm on Wednesday evening. We returned from Budapest yesterday to no Wifi which is a huge issue since we were both working from home. We can log on through 3G but the signal is poor and it is more expensive.


  2. Colline says:

    Your grand daughter is quite a swimmer.


  3. SueW says:

    You have my sympathy regarding banking.


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