Really Awfully Good R-Rhyme

(Translate; Vertaal; Vertalen; Traduire; Übersetzung: μετάφραση: Tradução: Перевод; Traducción: )———->
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The prompt from NaPoWriMo for today is to write a poem in the voice of a member of your family. As I had stored up a set of pictures from yesterday’s beach expedition, I’ll let young 5-yr-old R relate the experience.

Mom, Dad and Gran went to the mall,
My sister and I didn’t want to, at all,
For that’s such a bore;
We’ve been often before;
On the beach, we can both have a ball.

Easter Saturday Beach 1

We went with the dogs and our Les,
(We call Grandpa that, although everyone says
It shows no respect –
That just isn’t correct,
But playing with him is a ples.)

The forest’s all gloomy and grand,
But I held hard onto my sister J’s hand,
And it was quite soon
That we slid down the dune,
And onto the squidgy-smooth sand.

Easter Saturday Beach 2 1

We hunted for cuttlefish there –
The budgies just love nibbling cuttlefish bare –
Then into the sea
Went my sister and me;
(Les sez that is ‘I’ – I don’t care!)

Easter Saturday Beach 2

The sea was all bubbly and cool,
And J got knocked over – she is such a fool!
In spite of that wave,
She was still really brave,
And came to inspect a rock-pool.

Easter Saturday Beach 3

We built a sand-castle and played;
Between our legs small pointy hills we both made;
Les showed us a trick
To put shells on a stick –
The holes in the shells meant they stayed!

Easter Saturday Beach 4

And then it got time that we went,
And, both of us, Les way ahead of him sent,
And we got to reach
All the way from the beach,
Alone, with no help, as he meant!

© Colonialist April 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Beach, Challenge, Grandchildren, Humour, Personal Journal, Photography, Poems, Really Awful Rhyme, Seashells and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

36 Responses to Really Awfully Good R-Rhyme

  1. My grandad used to dig us out a boat shape with a seat and we would pretend to row, then he’d make a big castle with all the dug out sand with bucket turrets and a moat around that we would run and fill with shells and water, this post was lovely and reminded me of that thank you 🙂


  2. The Asian says:

    I still build “swimming pools” with my siblings and I absolutely love it! *hides away in embarrasment*


  3. Ruth2Day says:

    oh to be young again, to be able to throw myself in the sand and not be bothered that it gets everywhere. Great photos


  4. adeeyoyo says:

    Excellent photo illustrations, Col, and I love the poem, such sweet memories of being a child again – you brought it all to life!


  5. bulldog says:

    Sounds like all had a good day…


  6. Sonel says:

    Absolutely beautiful Col! What a lovely story rhyme and beautiful photo’s to show what the two little darlings were up to and I can see how much they enjoyed it with their “Les”. So adorable that they call you that. Nothing disrespectful at all. I find it endearing. 😀


  7. jakesprinter says:

    Great writing with stunning images 🙂


  8. Chris Donner says:

    Loved the pics of the kids. Looks like everyone had plenty of fun. You made me 🙂


  9. What great fun for you and for your readers!


  10. This was absolutely delightful, Col. Your poem and the pics made me smile from ear to ear. 🙂


  11. Grannymar says:

    I was five all over again read the poem. You are blessed to have these wonderful grandchildren.


  12. Your grandchildren must adore you – you have the mind of a child – and that’s a compliment.


  13. disperser says:

    Very nice, and that would be a very lovely beach to have within walking distance.


  14. What a gorgeous poem filled with childhood fun and rhythm…..lucky grandchildren to have you as their grand pappy 🙂


  15. nrhatch says:

    What a grand adventure for rhyme time. A great example of Les being more . . . fun than the mall.


  16. I loved your poem, Les 😉 Your beach looks divine. I would love to take a walk on the beach when it’s so quiet. Us Vaalies can only get there in the hols and then of course everything is so crowded. 🙂


  17. misswhiplash says:

    My poem was crap
    but its only a snap
    at trying to makethings rhyme
    just in a while, I might get as good
    And at least I might make you smile


  18. misswhiplash says:

    You wrote in such a grand way
    about the very fun day
    that was spent on the beach
    and castles made by each
    before it was time to say ‘ bye’
    When the sun was low in the sky
    it was a very fun day
    that you wrote in a very fun way


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