A Really Awfully Good Unsolicited Review

 This came through the medium of a medium of better than medium ability 🙂   (written in the style of ‘The Rape of Lucrece’ and posted in accordance with the NaPoWriMo prompt ):

Shakespeare 1

Shakespeare 2
Shakespeare 3

Colonialist April 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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24 Responses to A Really Awfully Good Unsolicited Review

  1. What beautiful handwriting! “Written here is what the angels sing,” must be the highest praise one could wish for. 🙂


  2. How does anyone write a review in the style of the Rape of Lucrece??? Ouch. Never mind.


  3. Doom says:

    Hey, trying to drum up some business. No, not money business, haiku. Got a noob judge, an interesting open theme (“trouble”, like any of us know about that! :p), and thought I’d advert for her. Give her a… serious contest in which to get her feet wet. So… I’m knocking on doors.

    Her post is here

    I know you are busy, but you’ve got this week. I’m trying to get her to stall until next Monday for judging, so…


  4. Grannymar says:

    Mr Spokeshave was in a class all his own!


  5. nrhatch says:

    A pen, A pen . . . my kingdom for a pen! 😀


  6. misswhiplash says:

    Ah dear Bill I knew him well
    always had a clever tale to tell
    some were fun like Canterbury Tales
    and some where mystery and death prevail.
    but one thing you can always say about this bard
    he always worked so very hard


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